Sunday, May 17, 2015

Yellow butterflies

These 2 butterflies were on this blade of grass this morning when I went out to feed the chickens. Wonder what they are and what they're doing?


  1. I love to see butterflies in my yard. They are so pretty.

  2. Very pretty! I hope they are butterflies and not the moths that lay their eggs on the vegetable garden! I hate green worms on the kale, brown worms in the cucumbers, and dead squash plants from the vine borers Protein in my vegetables. Yuck! And then there is the gorgeous swallowtail butterfly whose eggs turn into those striped carrot worms which devour all the parsley plants. Hard to keep an organic garden, but a good friend once asked me "If the bugs won't eat them, why would you?" Sorry to be so long winded. I love your pictures.:)

  3. And take that tongue out of your cheek. lol. We all know what they're doing.

  4. Ha! I was thinking that too! They sure take a long time though. It's not the cabbage moths. Already see them fluttering around.
