Wednesday, May 13, 2015

We're back in the milk room!

 We're all back in the milk room, just like we never left. The dogs back at the end of the stanchion, waiting for me to squirt milk for them.

The cats, lapping up milk from their dish.

A pail of milk. I love that sound of milk pinging into a stainless steel bucket. I missed that sound.

I haven't tasted the milk yet. Last night I gave it all to the cats and dogs. Freja was dewormed a few days ago, so I wanted to give it a little longer. Although, it should be ok. And she freshened about 7 weeks ago, so her milk should be good.

Freja is probably lonely and of course in a new place with new animals and people. I had to lift her up onto the stanchion both times so far. She ate some last night, but not much this morning. I just want her to eat on the stanchion, so she'll want to get on it. I don;t think she's been on one before. So this is all new to her. And this was her first kid too. But her udder is big, with nice long teats and nice big orifices for great milk flow. And it takes about 2 minutes from start to finish. One goat. Never had just one goat.

I'll be looking for another doe for her to be with. I hate to have just one of anything. I have a friend in Sale creek Tn. where I got Abby form years ago, who had does for sale. I'll probably get one from her.

This is fun! I have missed having goats and milking. Can't wait to try her milk now.

The sunrise this morning. So pretty.

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