Saturday, December 6, 2014


I have been making lots of needle felted woolies this past week, getting ready for the first of 2 holiday markets in a row. The first was today. It was so fun! I did really good there. Sold a lot of soap and dryer balls. And sheep. Other things too, but mostly those things. So I will be making more this next week.

I made these cute little pin cushions. I love them. But didn't sell any today. I'll be going to the Main St. market Wed. so maybe I can sell a few there. I think this will be my last Wed. market. It's getting to be too cold for outside markets. Especially for just 1 hour.

Some more little owlies. They are so sweet. I need to look for some little feathers and put on the little heads.

I did sell lots of sheep. One lady bought 3, then wanted a little lamb. So had to get that made while there and her grand daughter took it home to her. I had one of the other vendors ask if I could maybe make a bass or catfish for her husband. I told her I could certainly try. She said she's call to see how much I'd charge. She'd like a life-sized fish, so not really sure what to charge. Also another lady wanted to me to make an Airstream camper for her husband who is restoring one. Still working on that.

I love going to markets and meeting new people. I met a new neighbor out my way here. She was next to me today. And saw so many old friends there. It's always fun.

Now to get ready for next week! Hope y'all have a great Sunday.

(Almost forgot to say that anything I make is for sale! So let me know if anything catches your eye. These would make great gifts! And shipping probably wouldn't be too much.)


  1. Kris...your items are divine, I can certainly see why they sell well for you. I do shows as well and I was wondering if you sell your wool items by weight? I am sure you buy it by weight, so just seems right!

  2. So very cute. Especially that blue and green sheep. Adorable.

  3. Kim, I have wool from my own sheep and am using what I can of it. I still have 2 bags of my sheep's wool and my 2 alpacas left to clean and do something with. I think I want to spin all that though. I have been buying some fleeces the past few weeks. And I buy the colored roving from a lady here.

    I just sell each item by size mostly. And how long it takes to make each thing.

    I just noticed the robot thing. I did not put that up.

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