Monday, February 3, 2014

A little green on this dreary Monday...

It rained ALL night here last night. It's just a muddy mess out there again. But, it has been a long time so I am ok with it. I dreamed last night that the grass was turning green again. It was such a nice dream. I'm so looking forward to some color again. I can't even imagine how it looks out there without looking at pictures. But it's SO pretty!

I want to get bees again. But not sure whether to just order a package of bees or looks for another established hive. There is a guy not too far from me who has a lot of hives. He said he might sell me one. But then I'm thinking it might be easier to just get a package so I can get the hive where I want it without bees in it. Any ideas about this? For those who have bees, what is easier?

I saw a cute little Bluebird on my blue wisteria vine this morning. And I have seen those red breasted birds that I can't think of their names. Soon we'll have the yellow jonquils popping up all over.

I have to tell a story about my friends, Libby and Barry. Libby has cancer and has been home a few weeks now in a hospital bed in their living room. They have had this pesky male cardinal that goes to their porch window every morning around 6 or so and pecks and flutters for hours. It's been doing this same thing for a few years now but since Libby is in the living room, it hasn't bothered her. But now it wakes poor Libby up. The other day she had just about had it with this bird and told Barry he needed to do something about it. Well, what does a guy do to make his wife happy? He shoots the darn bird. Just shot it dead. And left it right there on the ground, for all the other birds to see. Libby has been sleeping so much better since.


  1. :( I love birds and redbirds are one of my favorites. That poor befuddled cardinal was just enamored at his own reflection. We had one do that for days in our living room window one year. Prayers for your friend Libby. Good that she can sleep better now. But the redbirds are some of our brightest winter color.

  2. I know. As I was writing this, I saw one out my window. They sure are pretty on the white snow too and the bare trees. But they can be annoying. We had a Mockingbird that would start chirping every morning about 3 a.m. I would holler at it and even go outside and throw rocks at it. Peepers are horrible too.

  3. In Maryland, where we lived for 12 years, we called the Mockingbird the Nightbird. One set up shop just outside of Kristin's open window and sang all night. It is amazing how many different birdsongs he could imitate!!
