Saturday, February 2, 2013

Some snow

We got a little snow today. It was SO cold. The snow came and went a few times. There is still a little in the shady areas. I am so ready for summer. Just skip spring and get right into summer please! I am freezing. And our wood heater flue pipes are full of creosote buildup so we had to take all the wood out and take the pipes out. So no wood heat. Back to the darned ole heat pump. And it's cold! I was so liking the wood heat. I guess one day we can get someone out here to properly fix it to where it doesn't do this again. I am not sure why it gets the creosote built up in the pipes. This has happened before. And those pipes aren't cheap.

So I think I am ready for some warm weather. And I sure hope and pray my goats and sheep wait til Spring to have babies. I really will never breed them again so early. Never again. It's just too cold for babies to be born right now. I can hear the wind howling out there.

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