Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Here we go again!

But this time there are tornado watches all around. My friend's weather warning thing went off a few times already this morning. We are flooded again. I have to cross a creek again to get to the goat barn. Just another crazy January day here on the farm. It pours rain then stops. It's SO HOT and I have windows open. I am sweating.

And I am having to go out to the barn to check on Abby. I do believe the old girl is in ketosis. I was thinking she was in labor. But no kids or even any real sign of kidding. So I read about ketosis and it's her. So I am drenching her with all kinds of good things and giving her B Complex shots and lots of warm molasses water. Even put lavender EO all over the stall to calm her. I sure hope she pulls through this. She did this last year too. She'll be 11 in a few weeks. So I don't think she'll be doing this again, if she makes it. I'll do all I can for her though. She's my favorite doe, even though she's the biggest bully. I do love her.

There goes some thunder. And it's very dark.


  1. Sorry to hear about Abby.

    It has been raining hard here but we thankfully do not have that much standing water in the yard. Just a few places in the pasture.
    Ours will be frozen by Friday.
    I hope the rain lets up and things dry up a littel bit for you.

    1. Still pouring and thudering and lightening. My dog Bubba is right here at my feet. Stella would be but she's in the crate. And Sophie probably can't hear it, she's so old. They hate thunder.

  2. Stay safe. The storms aren't quite here, but they're on the way. It's 73 degrees out and I have the doors open to warm up the house.

    Poor Abby. I've only read a little about Ketosis. What causes it and what can you do for it?

    One of my Alpines seems to be shedding an awfully lot. She has loose minerals. I hope it's just a function of the weather and perhaps stress from the move.

    1. Goats always seem to be stressed after a move of any kind. But you've had yours about a month now, right? I know when I get a doe in milk she always goes way down for a week or so til she gets used to the changes. And it could be due to this really crazy weather. Now it's so hot.

      If you go to Fias Co Farm goat site and look up Ketosis, it tells all about it. Too much to write it all here. But sounds like it could have been brought on by not enough grain or too much and bad quality hay/forage. I don't know, but she's the only one so far to have gotten this.

  3. Eeek hope you don't get a tornado! it's warm and raining here today.

    1. No, it's all over. But Calhoun and Adairsville, Ga. got hit pretty bad. Then in Memphis too. What a mess. I am so glad we live right here in this valley. It's going to get really cold over the next few days now.

  4. How is Abby doing? I've been worried about her.

    I'm glad the storms amounted to nothing for you. We had the power go out for a couple hours and some heavy rain. Nothing serious though.

  5. Kristin, Abby is apparently better because she wasn't in the barn when I went out this morning. I haven't seen her yet. She's out back. I'm going to look for her just to make sure. Then go bottle feed the babies. Trudy's gone out too. She drank nearly a bucket of brown sugar-karo syrup water just now.

  6. Oh no! You're having to bottle feed? Did Trudy end up with mastitis afterall?

  7. Kristin, I did try to feed them today, but they wouldn't have anything to do with the bottle! Trudy seems to have enough milk despite the fact she is still hard as a rock. I have no idea what's wrong. I gave her LA200 for 2 days and today I gave her Combi Pen. I had no idea there is about a 3 week milk withholding time for that stuff. So even if she was getting better, I can't milk her now for a long time.
