Thursday, January 31, 2013
Penelope Jane
I honestly do not know how this goat could get any bigger. She can hardly walk. And I don't know how much longer she can hold those kids in. I keep hoping every morning that she will have had them. But nope. She likes to keep them where she knows where they are, I guess. But I do hope she waits a few more weeks. It's going to be COLD at night the next several days. With snow flurried Saturday. Remind me to never breed goats for this early kidding. Or sheep either. What was I thinking?
So this morning Abby's not in the barn. Because she was way out back in the pretty green pasture that's not ours. She's much better today. She's probably getting too much green grass and bloating.
I wish I could put the sheep out there. I was moving them to the other side of the yard this morning to go out in the bigger pasture, but they had other ideas. In the front yard there is some really pretty green grass growing and they made a right turn and headed toward it. But of course they have to go into all the flower beds and wreak havoc first. And of course I have worthless lazy dogs who only want to chase sheep when I'm not looking. So got no help from them. Finally got them all back where they were supposed to be. All but big Darla. Got her back in the other yard by herself. Then a little while later I look outside and there are all the other sheep, back out in the front yard. So back out again and got them back into the smaller pasture, where they will remain til further notice.
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
The bad babies.
This evening it stopped raining long enough for the goats to come to the milk room to eat. And it gave the bad babies enough time to slip out the back fence to the "jungle" for some free time alone. I had to go look for them when I realized they weren't back at the barn with the others. So here they are, coming back to the barn. Brie is on the left and Iris on the right. They are such bad girls!
Don't they look like bad girls?
Here we go again!
But this time there are tornado watches all around. My friend's weather warning thing went off a few times already this morning. We are flooded again. I have to cross a creek again to get to the goat barn. Just another crazy January day here on the farm. It pours rain then stops. It's SO HOT and I have windows open. I am sweating.
And I am having to go out to the barn to check on Abby. I do believe the old girl is in ketosis. I was thinking she was in labor. But no kids or even any real sign of kidding. So I read about ketosis and it's her. So I am drenching her with all kinds of good things and giving her B Complex shots and lots of warm molasses water. Even put lavender EO all over the stall to calm her. I sure hope she pulls through this. She did this last year too. She'll be 11 in a few weeks. So I don't think she'll be doing this again, if she makes it. I'll do all I can for her though. She's my favorite doe, even though she's the biggest bully. I do love her.
There goes some thunder. And it's very dark.
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Are you lookin' at me?
I was in the bedroom making my bed and looked up. Bout got scared to death! There's John Henry looking at me through the window! Silly boy.
Fresh raw cow milk
This is not goat milk. I sure wish it was. But look at that cream! Nearly half the jug is cream. This is from my friend's Jersey cows. She has 2 that she's milking now. I have to get milk from her while I am waiting on goats to kid. Which shouldn't be too much longer, but it seems like some of them like being as big as an airplane.
Monday, January 28, 2013
Farm exercises and cold fresh air.
There is no better way I know of to wake up in the morning than good farm exercises and cold air hitting me in the face. Especially after sleeping to nearly 10 am. Because I took Benedryl earlier this morning. Because my eyes were running like crazy and I was sneezing. I have to get up at 6 so I can get my grand daughter ready for school and on the bus at 6:40 and it's still dark outside, so I go back to bed til daylight. I am not one of those dark-thirty farmers who does everything in the early before daylight hours. Not me. But I am an early-bird and like to get most things done before noon.
So my feet hit the floor running when I saw the time. Good grief! Pull on my dirty farm pants and boots and go outside. It's cold out there! But by the time I am done, I am sweating and jacket-less. I have hay in the house-barn next door, so grab the 2 wheel wheelbarrow with only one working tire, go next door for hay. Feed sheep while over there. I had already checked on new momma and kids. Gave her a shot of Banamine because her udder is still hard. And rub her udder down with coconut oil mixed with peppermint EO. Babies are sleeping and look fine. Trudy looks like she wants to go outside. So out she goes. Then acts like she's forgetting something, so goes back in a few times. Babies still sleeping. So out she goes again with the rest of the does. With no kids yet.
Get the hay. Feed the sheep. Go back struggling to get the wheelbarrow up the slippery path to the garage. Take hay to does and bucks. Also have already fed dogs and cats before all this. Then go check the nest boxes for eggs. 4 of them, still a bit warm. Back to the house for coffee. I love that stuff!
Next I am headed to town. Then I have got to go get my truck and get it loaded with 37 bales of the hay I bartered fro a half a lamb. There are 4 bales left of the 180 bales I had gotten last year. 180 bales. And it's almost the end of Jan. Those 4 will last til the 1st of Feb. But we're supposed to get some pretty heavy storms starting Wed. SO I need to be prepared to feed lots of hay in the barns.
So I am woke up now and ready for more. I hope y'all have a great week.
(The reason I am taking Benedryl is becaues I am snuggling with these new kids. I have to kiss them and smell them and all. Then my eyes itch so I do all that and next thing I know, my eyes are all puffy and swollen. I do this with kittens and baby lambs too. I have to wash my hands really good after each snuggle session. But sometimes I forget or can't. And for some reason, these new Benedryl pills just knock me out, even though they say non-drowsy formula. Well, they aren't.)
So my feet hit the floor running when I saw the time. Good grief! Pull on my dirty farm pants and boots and go outside. It's cold out there! But by the time I am done, I am sweating and jacket-less. I have hay in the house-barn next door, so grab the 2 wheel wheelbarrow with only one working tire, go next door for hay. Feed sheep while over there. I had already checked on new momma and kids. Gave her a shot of Banamine because her udder is still hard. And rub her udder down with coconut oil mixed with peppermint EO. Babies are sleeping and look fine. Trudy looks like she wants to go outside. So out she goes. Then acts like she's forgetting something, so goes back in a few times. Babies still sleeping. So out she goes again with the rest of the does. With no kids yet.
Get the hay. Feed the sheep. Go back struggling to get the wheelbarrow up the slippery path to the garage. Take hay to does and bucks. Also have already fed dogs and cats before all this. Then go check the nest boxes for eggs. 4 of them, still a bit warm. Back to the house for coffee. I love that stuff!
Next I am headed to town. Then I have got to go get my truck and get it loaded with 37 bales of the hay I bartered fro a half a lamb. There are 4 bales left of the 180 bales I had gotten last year. 180 bales. And it's almost the end of Jan. Those 4 will last til the 1st of Feb. But we're supposed to get some pretty heavy storms starting Wed. SO I need to be prepared to feed lots of hay in the barns.
So I am woke up now and ready for more. I hope y'all have a great week.
(The reason I am taking Benedryl is becaues I am snuggling with these new kids. I have to kiss them and smell them and all. Then my eyes itch so I do all that and next thing I know, my eyes are all puffy and swollen. I do this with kittens and baby lambs too. I have to wash my hands really good after each snuggle session. But sometimes I forget or can't. And for some reason, these new Benedryl pills just knock me out, even though they say non-drowsy formula. Well, they aren't.)
Sunday, January 27, 2013
New kids on the farm!
I was thinking Trudy might have her kids last night. Full moon and goo. So I put her in the back stall for the night, just in case. Went to check on her later last night and found these 2 little cuties. They are definetely Boer crosses. The white one is the buck. He's probably twice as big as the little doe. Both have elf ears.
Trudy's a good momma. But her udder is so hard. The kids are getting milk because I have seen poop and saw them pee. I hope Trudy doesn't have mastitis. Her udder isn't hot, just hard, like a grapefruit. I'll go get some more hot water with peppermint EO. If anyone knows something else to do, please let me know. I do not want to bottle feed kids!
Friday, January 25, 2013
Good friends and family
Last week we were almost out of wood. I called a friend up the road to see if they had any to sell. She said she's ask her husband. So he called and said he'd meet me near their house and I could ride with him in his truck since I didn't have my truck. So off we went out into the cow field to their wood shed. It's got wood that they use for their camp kids in the summer. Another friend came to help load. We got a small truckload. We went to my house and got it unloaded and stacked in the wood shed. It lasted about a week. And it was free!
My husband came home Wed. for the day while waiting on his truck to get loaded. Our friend up on the mountain had some more wood he was giving us again. Back in the fall he had several stacks that we got. So we went on up and found 2 more good sized stacks, all cut and ready for the wood stove. We got our long bed truck loaded down with all that wood. And it was free too.
Also last fall, my friend up the road before our house called and said she was having an Ash tree cut down and did I want it? Of course. She had some guys there cutting it and they loaded it all up in my truck for me. Some of it was really big too. The son-in-law came one day and split all that. Didn't even ask him. They just came out one day and he grabbed the ax and started splitting wood. So my daughters and grand daughters started stacking it in the wood shed. It filled up fast. He likes splitting wood apparently.
So far we have not paid a cent for fire wood. We have an old maple tree that needs cut down. I hope we can get to that in the next few weeks. I like this new wood heater. I can fill my yellow farm wagon up with wood and it lasts at least 3 days. And the house stays at least 70 degrees, give or take a few degrees. Very nice warm heat too.
Then a few days ago, another friend called. he works at a semi truck wash in Ringgold. Said there was a truck with some corn flour they had to clean out and he got 4 55 gallon barrels of it and could I use it for my animals? Well, I called my friend who has 2 Jersey cows she milks to see if she could use some. So she took 2 of them and I took 2. He delivered them and put them where we wanted them. Now I need some pigs.
I am so thankful for friends and family.
My husband came home Wed. for the day while waiting on his truck to get loaded. Our friend up on the mountain had some more wood he was giving us again. Back in the fall he had several stacks that we got. So we went on up and found 2 more good sized stacks, all cut and ready for the wood stove. We got our long bed truck loaded down with all that wood. And it was free too.
Also last fall, my friend up the road before our house called and said she was having an Ash tree cut down and did I want it? Of course. She had some guys there cutting it and they loaded it all up in my truck for me. Some of it was really big too. The son-in-law came one day and split all that. Didn't even ask him. They just came out one day and he grabbed the ax and started splitting wood. So my daughters and grand daughters started stacking it in the wood shed. It filled up fast. He likes splitting wood apparently.
So far we have not paid a cent for fire wood. We have an old maple tree that needs cut down. I hope we can get to that in the next few weeks. I like this new wood heater. I can fill my yellow farm wagon up with wood and it lasts at least 3 days. And the house stays at least 70 degrees, give or take a few degrees. Very nice warm heat too.
Then a few days ago, another friend called. he works at a semi truck wash in Ringgold. Said there was a truck with some corn flour they had to clean out and he got 4 55 gallon barrels of it and could I use it for my animals? Well, I called my friend who has 2 Jersey cows she milks to see if she could use some. So she took 2 of them and I took 2. He delivered them and put them where we wanted them. Now I need some pigs.
I am so thankful for friends and family.
Thursday, January 24, 2013
There is no place I'd rather be. I have to make myself go out when I have errands to do. Like today. Just get up and go.
I had to take my vacuum in to get serviced. It wasn't picking anything up. Then while I was out there, I went to Fresh Market and Hobby Lobby. Just wandered around. I did get bread at FM. Then to Costco for a few things. Wandered around in there awhile. I even went to a cute little fabric-yarn store but didn't see anything I had to have. Then paid a few bills and went to Aldi's. My mom wanted me to get something at Costco, so stopped by and visited a few minutes. Then on to the herb doctor to get more of my happy juice. Then home.
I love my drive home. It was around 5:30 so there was a little traffic on the way out. Then the last 8 miles or so, I'm usually the only one on the road. Then I get to my driveway and I am so happy to be home, like I can breathe again. All my animals are happy to see me, the one who feeds them. They're all ready for some hay and grain and cat food and dog treats. I rush in the house, change shoes, run around feeding animals. Tonight, I brought the bucks back to the back yard so I could move the sheep over there for shelter. Brought Sandy and Zeeboo back with the rest of the does for the night. It's supposed to be really messy tonight, with sleet and ice and snow mix. A lot of schools are already closed. But haven't heard anything about Walker Co. yet. Every school around is closed but us.
Anyway, it's so good to be at home. I just want to stay here. I really don't need anything. I have all I need right here. And out there in the world, people are rushing around, trying to get here and there as fast as they possibly can. No one hardly even smiles or says hello anymore. Out here, it's a totally different world. I like being at home.
Abby and her (devil) daughters
Last night I put Abby and Iris Josie, who is laying next to her, in a stall. Iris Josie was outside with the rest of the goats this morning, over next door in the field. Yes, I have bad goats. So I put John Henry and Arlo Guthrie the bucks, up front so I could put all the bad does in the back yard so they won't go out. All but Zarah Belle came in. As you can see, she is STILL on the OTHER side of the fence, all by herself. It must run in the family, wanting to be alone. Well, except for the youngest bad baby, who is a momma's girl. Most of the time. They both love their momma.
But Zarah has always been a little skittish. She broke her back right leg when she was just a few months old and ever since she's been this way. She's so beautiful and very pregnant. I so hope she's a good milker like Abby. But she's just so bad.
Then her little sister, Iris Josie, is a devil goat for sure. She is just plain ole BAD. But sometimes she can be so sweet and let me pet her. She's the one I named after my mother. Never do that.
Abby seems to be doing ok today. I'll give her some molasses water. I hope she'll get over this. I think I'll put Zeeboo and Sandy up front with the bucks. I don't think anything will happen. But John is still a stinky boy.
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Older goats
I don't know if you can see her, but Abby is in this picture. (She's a little to the right in the middle. You can see a little white on her rear.) All alone. She was gone all night alone actually. And it was in the low 20's too. I was worried sick. Crying, worrying, praying for her. Imagining all kinds of horrible things again.
Yesterday, I saw all the goats out in the filed, where they are not supposed to be. I got them all back in. Then about an hour later, it was time to milk and feed the goats. They were all there, except Abby. It's always Sandy, Abby and Trudy first. Then Penelope, Zarah and Zeeboo next. I only have 3 stanchions. And they all know the order, We do this every day.
So I didn't think anything about her not being there. Just thought she's gone back out. Later on I went out to the barn to see if she'd come in and gone to bed. No Abby. So I got the dogs and we went out back. It was pitch black dark out there. We went way out back. I called and called her. Nothing. I didn't even hear anything. I went all through the tangled mess of blackberry and honeysuckle vines, thinking she's gotten stuck and couldn't get out. Or had stepped in a hole and broke her leg and couldn't walk. I had cuts all over my legs from all the blackberry vines. But no Abby.
I just cried. I missed her already. I have had this goat for almost 8 years now. My first ever milk goat. She's aggravating as crap and can be such a bully, but I love her. She's the best goat to milk too. I am not very sure if she is bred or not. Sometimes she's really big and others she's bony and I can see all her bones. But her udder seems to be getting bigger.
I did get those 2 new does about a month ago. The black one, Zeeboo, can be a real pest. She's all over the place, picking on everyone. I was thinking Abby has seemed a little quieter since they've been here. Maybe she just wants to get away from Zeeboo? She seems to be fine.
So has anyone had an older goat that would go off by their selves and stay gone awhile? She's always been with the other goats. My goats don't like being alone. Do older goats go off to be alone to die like dogs do? I have no idea what to do with her. I don't want some wild animals to get her. And I don't like that she's out there alone at night, unprotected.
I know I have got to get that electric fence fixed and working fast. But I need money, which is short right now. So any advice and suggestions would be great.
I just completely forgot to say that I went out first thing this morning to look again and found her. She was way over on the other side by the goat barn in that pasture, eating grass. Just fine and dandy, the old stinker. I was SO glad to see her. And so happy that she was ok. I guess she must of been sleeping in the old shed in that pasture. I hope so. I let her stay out there. She seemed to be fine. And she acted like she wanted to stay out there. She's behind the house now. And so are the others.
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Good morning, sunshine!
This morning, I woke up early to this. Everything was just so green and blue and bright. Just beautiful. God is good.
Monday, January 21, 2013
Got more done today.
I just love bare trees. They seem freer, lighter, like their personality comes through. And I love how the blue sky looks bluer through the curly branches. Each tree is different, just like people.
Today was another gorgeous day. I worked outside again. This time I tore down all the ugly orange and black netting I had around the chicken run area. Since I only have 4 hens and a rooster I decided to just get rid of all that ugliness. And since they are really truely free range chickens now, we just don't need all that fencing and netting up any longer. So down it all came. It took awhile but it looks so much better.
I am going to try to get the chickens to stay out back in the goat area. Make a little coop for them at night. This way I can have an extra stall for sheep. Which I will be needing soon. So I'll have 3 lambing pens for them. These stalls are 10x10 so they can be divided into 2 pens if needed. But I only have 3 ewes to lamb in a few weeks and the rest in May so I only really need 3 anyway. So this will work out good.
Also took the pieces of fence I used for tomatoes out to the electric fence and went as far as I could with them. Not very far at all. But I did get all 3 strands of wire back up. So maybe that'll keep the goats in?
I sold some lamb meat today too. While the guy was here, he wanted to see all the animals. I called all the goats to come and everyone came except Abby. I called and called for her but she never came. Jeff was here for about half an hour. After he left I went out back to look for her. I didn't see her anywhere. I called and called but nothing. I was starting to think of all these horrible things that must have happened to her. Then I went out the side gate and back up to the back field and there she was, coming out of the bushes. Just fine. I guess she didn't hear me. She is a Lamancha. I think she just needed some alone time. But she scared me. I'm so glad she's ok.
Tonight is supposed to be in the teens. Brrr. And tomorrow really cold. SO no working outside. Think I'll stay inside and clean maybe? That doesn't sound like fun.
Sunday, January 20, 2013
Today was amazing! I was outside all day. I worked in the garden awhile. Finally got all the tomato posts and cages put up. Also had some fence sections I had used for some tomatoes and got them all pulled up. I will not use fence again for tomatoes. I'm going to use them to put outback on the non-working electric fence for the goats. The bad babies are getting out again.
Sat out in the sun for awhile for some much needed Vitamin D and crocheted on my bedroom afghan.. I want to paint my bedroom a blue jean sort of blue with white trim and white cotton tab top curtains. And brown pillows.
While sitting outside, I noticed some dandelion flowers. So got up and picked a hand full for some tea. I love dandelion tea. I also saw a honeybee on a flower so left that one. And felt bad because there were no more. But the tea was good. I saw the honeybee while I was crocheting. It came to visit me. I am hoping to get a hive from a honey guy not too far from here. Just to have a hive here, not own it. He said he would bring one in the spring. But I might end up getting a hive of my own someday. I'd like to take a class first.
And I saw some Bluebirds in the bluebird houses in the chicken yard! They were trying to decide which house to get. I have 3 in a row. But usually the sparrows get them first. We have an old maple tree that has lots of apartments in it that usually fill up pretty quick. But the main complex fell off last week with all the rain we had. So there may have to be some construction going on soon up there.
So it was a busy day here, with all the bees and birds setting up housekeeping. And the goats and sheep are getting ready for kids and lambs in the next few weeks. I sure hope this weather stays like this for awhile. It's been great.
I hope you all have had a wonderful Sunday.
Friday, January 18, 2013
Also found several clumps of my favorite early flowers popping up all over. I'll have some pretty yellow flowers soon on the table to brighten up the house.
I went outside early this morning and the little pond was frozen over. Around the edges it looked like this. So many different things to see. Just so beautiful.
Thursday, January 17, 2013
I have never liked chess. Like golf, to me it seems like the most boring thing to do. And quite complicated. But my husband loves to play chess. (He also likes the game Hearts. Hmm.) He taught both our kids at a young age. And has taught our oldest grand daughter Chloe, when she seemed interested in it. She loves it too. And is pretty good at it.
So the other day, Kansas, the youngest grand, found the chess set in the cabinet. She brought it out and hubby helped her set it up. He explained about all the pieces and what they can do and how they can move. I don't think she gets it yet. Chess is a very quiet game. A game of concentration. A game where people really don't talk a lot. And do a lot of sitting and staring. NOT a game for a child like Kansas! That child cannot do any of those things for more than 30 seconds. Really. And when I told her that in some chess competitions sometimes it could take several hours for a person to make a move, I think she decided it was not the game for her either.
I did find out that the queen is the most powerful piece on the board. Ha! I always knew she was special.
Blue jean quilt. Done.
This is the blue jean quilt, held up by the husband. ( I was going to post the other picture of him smiling, but apparently, I can only post one at a time.) So it's plenty long enough for his 6 1/2 foot self. I finished it just in time Monday for him to take it with him when he left. And that night, can't remember where exactly he said he was, but it was 28 degrees. It kept him really warm.
I didn't sew through the pockets so the back looks a little wonky. But it looks pretty good. I just quilted from corner to corner one way then the opposite way.
Now on to other things. I need to make a rainbow scarf for my oldest grand daughter. We are supposed to be getting a little snow today. And some 25 MPH winds. So I hope we don't have any power outages because of fallen trees. So looks like a great day to work on something inside by the fire.
What are y'all working on during the cold wintry days and nights?
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Water, water, everywhere.
This is the path to the goat barn, between the 2 trees. There are some boards under the water that they walk on to get to the milk room. All this water, that came from the creek to the right up above, is going through the yard straight to the sheep shed- hay island. Then it goes on into the South garden and down the driveway, then turns right and goes through the little orchard then down to the pear trees. Where it makes a little lake.
It is actually a little less water today. I did get to milk Sandy last night and feed some of the others in the milk room. They got to come out some this morning. But now it's sprinkling again. And we could possibly get some snow tomorrow? That's what I'm hearing now. I kind of hope it does so all this nasty mud will be covered up for a little bit.
I believe it's like this all the way up through Indiana. My niece lives up there and had water pretty close to her house. I had to go to town yesterday and could see all the lakes where there are no lakes. SO much water. But my mom says this will be so good for the gardens this summer. I told her I do not see how that works, as I still have to water my garden in the summer. Where's all this water then, huh? I don't know, but I guess somehow it does help.
I hope you all are dry and warm wherever you are out there.
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Thinking about spring (and lots of plans)
Yes, it's STILL raining. Yes, it's STILL muddy. Yes, we have lakes and ponds and creeks and streams all over, STILL. I wasn't able to milk Sandy last night because there is NO way a goat will cross a creek for love nor grain. So she didn't get milked. It's times like these that makes me want to drag one of the stanchions out to the barn and make a little stall just for milking when it's pouring rain. One day.
So I have been thinking about my farm here. And what all I want to do this year. Way too many things and way too much money to do them. But the first thing I would like to do is make another greenhouse. We made one a few years back but didn't use strong enough plastic. We still have the PVC pipes. I'm going to look at some catalogs for a thicker mil greenhouse plastic and order some. I will save tons of money starting my own seeds. I spent SO much money on flats and flats of plants last year. And I can just start my own right here and maybe sell extras.
Plus, a greenhouse can be used as extra early growing space too. AND it can be used as a chick brooder and composting place. I have seen people use them for that purpose and it works great. The chicks are warm and they scratch up the soil and fertilize it too. I am planning on getting more Freedom Rangers in the spring.
And I am wanting to do a lot of rearranging in this house and the little house. And make some walkways that are more goat and sheep friendly. I hate that they have to stand in mud so much. They need some wooden platforms to get them up out of the mud.
I have also been thinking about fencing and pastures and rotating and parasite management. I do not want to lose any more sheep to those awful Barber Pole worms again. So I really need to make my 2 pastures into smaller yards and move the sheep every week so they'll be going around every 21 days.
Also need to make more garden space for the market gardens.
So many plans and so much to do. I just need money, the key ingredient to make it all happen. I hope to sell all my doeling kids as soon as possible. And most of my ewe lambs too. I only want about 10 ewes here. I really don't have the space for too many sheep. Or goats either. I have 8 does now plus the 2 bucks. I will probably sell the Lamancha buck and butcher the Boer buck.
I'm sure everyone is thinking about spring and have lots of plans too.
So I have been thinking about my farm here. And what all I want to do this year. Way too many things and way too much money to do them. But the first thing I would like to do is make another greenhouse. We made one a few years back but didn't use strong enough plastic. We still have the PVC pipes. I'm going to look at some catalogs for a thicker mil greenhouse plastic and order some. I will save tons of money starting my own seeds. I spent SO much money on flats and flats of plants last year. And I can just start my own right here and maybe sell extras.
Plus, a greenhouse can be used as extra early growing space too. AND it can be used as a chick brooder and composting place. I have seen people use them for that purpose and it works great. The chicks are warm and they scratch up the soil and fertilize it too. I am planning on getting more Freedom Rangers in the spring.
And I am wanting to do a lot of rearranging in this house and the little house. And make some walkways that are more goat and sheep friendly. I hate that they have to stand in mud so much. They need some wooden platforms to get them up out of the mud.
I have also been thinking about fencing and pastures and rotating and parasite management. I do not want to lose any more sheep to those awful Barber Pole worms again. So I really need to make my 2 pastures into smaller yards and move the sheep every week so they'll be going around every 21 days.
Also need to make more garden space for the market gardens.
So many plans and so much to do. I just need money, the key ingredient to make it all happen. I hope to sell all my doeling kids as soon as possible. And most of my ewe lambs too. I only want about 10 ewes here. I really don't have the space for too many sheep. Or goats either. I have 8 does now plus the 2 bucks. I will probably sell the Lamancha buck and butcher the Boer buck.
I'm sure everyone is thinking about spring and have lots of plans too.
Monday, January 14, 2013
It is nothing but WET outside. There is water everywhere out there. I feel so bad for my animals. The goats all have a dry barn and shelter. But the sheep only have an open shelter. It's big enough for them all and they are sheep with nice wool coats on. But the ground is SO wet and muddy. I need to make some wooden platforms for the goats and sheep to just stand on that's not in mud. I am taking old hay and throwing down on paths but it's still just WET.
I know I should not be complaining about all this wonderful water that we'll need this summer. But right now, it's not doing a bit of good. It's depressing to look out the windows and see lakes and ponds and streams where there is not supposed to be those things. I want to just go hibernate like the bears. They have the right idea.
It did get cold last night though. After a week of highs in the 60's and 70's here and no heat on, it's about 48 now. My hubby had to build a fire in the wood stove again. It took awhile to get it going, but he's a good fire building man. Now to get daughter to get some more wood in. She's good at that.
And I was going to try to get pictures of the finished quilt, but computer wants to go all wonky on me again. But it is finished and is on the way to my husband's truck with him. He just left. I told him that nice warm very heavy blue jean quilt might just save his life one day. if he's ever lost out in the middle of no where way up in Montana in a blizzard, stuck in his truck with no fuel for heat, that quilt will keep him warm. I so hope that never happens. Anyway, glad it's done and my poor fingers can take a break. I'll post pictures soon I hope.
So how is the weather in your neck of the woods this week so far? I so want summer right now.
I know I should not be complaining about all this wonderful water that we'll need this summer. But right now, it's not doing a bit of good. It's depressing to look out the windows and see lakes and ponds and streams where there is not supposed to be those things. I want to just go hibernate like the bears. They have the right idea.
It did get cold last night though. After a week of highs in the 60's and 70's here and no heat on, it's about 48 now. My hubby had to build a fire in the wood stove again. It took awhile to get it going, but he's a good fire building man. Now to get daughter to get some more wood in. She's good at that.
And I was going to try to get pictures of the finished quilt, but computer wants to go all wonky on me again. But it is finished and is on the way to my husband's truck with him. He just left. I told him that nice warm very heavy blue jean quilt might just save his life one day. if he's ever lost out in the middle of no where way up in Montana in a blizzard, stuck in his truck with no fuel for heat, that quilt will keep him warm. I so hope that never happens. Anyway, glad it's done and my poor fingers can take a break. I'll post pictures soon I hope.
So how is the weather in your neck of the woods this week so far? I so want summer right now.
Friday, January 11, 2013
Easy dinner
Well, it worked this time. This computer is so wonky.
So this is our dinner the other night. Beef stroganof. I just took some beef stew meat and onions and garlic. Sauteed that with some mushrooms. Then added a can of cream of mushroom soup. Right before serving I add some sour cream. Put that over some egg noodles and there ya go. Dinner.
My mom used to fix this all the time when I was younger. It's so good.
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Horses in need of resuing ASAP
I just saw this on a friend's Facebook page. A bunch of horses were bought by a kill buyer up in Pa. They have til this Sunday to be bought. There are steps you can take to get them to you. And they are really cheap too. Nice looking horses. If anyone needs a good horse, I hope you can rescue one of these. I just don't have room.
I just saw this on a friend's Facebook page. A bunch of horses were bought by a kill buyer up in Pa. They have til this Sunday to be bought. There are steps you can take to get them to you. And they are really cheap too. Nice looking horses. If anyone needs a good horse, I hope you can rescue one of these. I just don't have room.
Just rambling on...
I can't seem to post a picture. I did a few days ago. But all day yesterday, every time I'd try, the computer would just freeze up and all I could do was shut it down. So don't know what's going on with it.
I have sold most all the lamb! I am so happy about this. After worrying about not selling any at all. I sold half to a friend. Another half to another friend who had hay that I desperately need right now. So we are swapping 37 nales for a half a lamb. Then there are 3 others who are just buying pounds. And a pretty good bit too. I hope there's enough for us now! But I can always use the money.
I have 3 ewes that will lamb around the first part of Feb. These are all hair sheep. Then I am not sure about Darla. She's so wooly right now I'd never know. She's half Suffolk and half Finn. VERU wooly. She looks like those little felted sheep people make with little tiny stick legs. She really needs sheared bad. So I hope she's been bred because now I don't have a ram for her. Since they are both in the freezer. I have her son, who's been in with all the ewes since before Christmas. I haven't seen any action between them. SO hopefully one of the other rams got to her first.
And then I have 4 younger ewes that will be lambing in May of they've been successfully bred by Mr. Abraham. These will be all mostly Finn lambs. Docking tails and castrating all of these. I'll castrate all hair rams too. What fun awaits!!! I love little lambs.
I hope to be getting a deer this week too. The slaughterhouse where I get my dog's food has a lot of deer that hasn't been picked up yet. They are giving the people til Friday to pick it up. If they don't I get one!! And I just want half burger and half sausage. So I am hoping someone doesn't want theirs so I can have it.
We also need wood. A friend up on the mountain has about a truck load for us. Free! I love free. I'll have to give him some deer sausage. It's been warmer than normal here the past few days and will be near 70 this weekend. So I let the fire go out. You just can't turn down a wood heater. And we can save quite a bit of wood this way. But I just know we are in for a blizzard or ice storm any time now.
And I have one doe that's about ready to pop. She'll be kidding around the first of Feb. Her first time too so I am a little nervous for her. She is already loosening up in the tail and quite puffy around the most important parts. I took pictures and wanted to post her and Zarah and Trudy's rears and bellies. I hope this computer cooperates soon so I can post them. I don't think I'll need to make kidding pens because Penelope is the only one the 1st of Feb with Trudy following later. So I can just put Penelope in the big back stall for a few days. All the goats are so stagered this year. I usually have them kidding all at the same time. At least within a few weeks. But this time they'll be going til the end of May. AND I will be selling ALL the doelings this year. I might keep the Boer cross bucklings to raise for meat. But ALL doelings MUST go!
Need to get the quilt done. Hubby will be home this weekend.
Have a great day y'all!
I have sold most all the lamb! I am so happy about this. After worrying about not selling any at all. I sold half to a friend. Another half to another friend who had hay that I desperately need right now. So we are swapping 37 nales for a half a lamb. Then there are 3 others who are just buying pounds. And a pretty good bit too. I hope there's enough for us now! But I can always use the money.
I have 3 ewes that will lamb around the first part of Feb. These are all hair sheep. Then I am not sure about Darla. She's so wooly right now I'd never know. She's half Suffolk and half Finn. VERU wooly. She looks like those little felted sheep people make with little tiny stick legs. She really needs sheared bad. So I hope she's been bred because now I don't have a ram for her. Since they are both in the freezer. I have her son, who's been in with all the ewes since before Christmas. I haven't seen any action between them. SO hopefully one of the other rams got to her first.
And then I have 4 younger ewes that will be lambing in May of they've been successfully bred by Mr. Abraham. These will be all mostly Finn lambs. Docking tails and castrating all of these. I'll castrate all hair rams too. What fun awaits!!! I love little lambs.
I hope to be getting a deer this week too. The slaughterhouse where I get my dog's food has a lot of deer that hasn't been picked up yet. They are giving the people til Friday to pick it up. If they don't I get one!! And I just want half burger and half sausage. So I am hoping someone doesn't want theirs so I can have it.
We also need wood. A friend up on the mountain has about a truck load for us. Free! I love free. I'll have to give him some deer sausage. It's been warmer than normal here the past few days and will be near 70 this weekend. So I let the fire go out. You just can't turn down a wood heater. And we can save quite a bit of wood this way. But I just know we are in for a blizzard or ice storm any time now.
And I have one doe that's about ready to pop. She'll be kidding around the first of Feb. Her first time too so I am a little nervous for her. She is already loosening up in the tail and quite puffy around the most important parts. I took pictures and wanted to post her and Zarah and Trudy's rears and bellies. I hope this computer cooperates soon so I can post them. I don't think I'll need to make kidding pens because Penelope is the only one the 1st of Feb with Trudy following later. So I can just put Penelope in the big back stall for a few days. All the goats are so stagered this year. I usually have them kidding all at the same time. At least within a few weeks. But this time they'll be going til the end of May. AND I will be selling ALL the doelings this year. I might keep the Boer cross bucklings to raise for meat. But ALL doelings MUST go!
Need to get the quilt done. Hubby will be home this weekend.
Have a great day y'all!
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
This is my little quilting frame. I've had this for about 32 years now. It's a bit wobbly and has some duct tape holding one of the legs on at the bottom. Gotta love duct tape! And this blue jean quilt is heavy. So it leans a little to the left. But I love this frame. It's been in the garage for a long time. My husband keeps asking me if I am ever going to use it again. Well, yes. And I will keep using it. Til it falls apart and duct tape doesn't help any more.
I'm about halfway done going one way. So this shouldn't take too long to finish. And when hubby comes home, he'll have a new quilt to keep him warm. Because it looks like he'll be out on the road in his truck for another year.
And my fingers hurt. I feel like a diabetic that's having to prick my finger a million times a day. Because I have. And I HATE needles!
Free range chickens
I heard the dogs barking today out toward the field next door. Went to look and saw my hens way over next to the trees. Not a good place to be. The dogs across the road go over there sometimes. And I only have 4 hens and a rooster. I've been getting 3-4 eggs a day now and don't want to lose any of them. This is the first time they've all been that far away. Really free ranging hens.

These are some of the horses across the road. I love this view with Pigeon Mt. behind them. So pretty.
These are some of the horses across the road. I love this view with Pigeon Mt. behind them. So pretty.
Monday, January 7, 2013
To market, to market
Not to buy a fat pig. But to take my 2 ram lambs. I am loading them up this afternoon to take them to the butcher. They are pretty big right now. This was taken during the summer at my friend's house. I'm keeping Abraham, the black ram. He's with the ewes now. He'll be staying IF he is successful at breeding the younger wool ewes.
SO, if anyone local would like some realy good lamb, let me know. I have one half already sold. So a whole lamb will be available for sale or barter. Half will be $150. Or if you just want a little, it'll be $5 a pound. I'll have burger, sausage, chops, legs and some stew meat.
I would be interested in bartering for firewood or square hay bales. Running low on both.
These guys are a mix of Katahdin, Dorper, Suffolk, Hapshire and Finn. All really good meat breeds. Should be some really good eating here.
They should be ready Friday.
Sunday, January 6, 2013
Record player
I got this for Christmas from my mom and step dad. I love it. We went and dug out all the old records from out in the garage. We used to have a record player years ago when the kids were little. Out oldest daughter somehow tore the needle off and we never did get it fixed.
So this is sitting on our buffet in the dining room. It has a radio, CD player and a cassette player too. I have already listened to Cat Stevens, Willie Nelson and a few others. It's so nice to be able to hear records again. I love how they sound, with the scratchy noise coming through.
I love Willie Nelson. I remember when me and my husband went to see Honeysuckle Rose way back in the early 80's at the theater in Red Bank, Tn. And we got the record. I put that on the other night while I was sewing together the blue jean quilt I'm making for my husband. It brought back a lot of good memories. It's a good album.
The stack of records on the window seat. I need to go through them and put these loose ones back in the covers before they get all scratched up. Some of them look pretty scratched up but when I wash them off they play fine.
I used to have Peter Frampton. I can't find it. I am going to look for a new one when I am at a music store. I think that's got to be my favorite album ever. And he's still good. Hasn't aged a bit.
Friday, January 4, 2013
Now a little blue
It is BEAUTIFUL outside today!! Bright blue sky and sunshine! Everything's frozen but that's ok. I would rather walk on frozen solid mud than squishy mud any day. I did have to haul warm water to the goats and cats and dogs this morning. The doe's water bucket was nearly empty. Penelope stood there and drank for 5 minutes. Had to go get more after that. I need to check water buckets more often. But the sheep's water trough is still full. Plus 2 buckets. I did have to break the ice on theirs.
I am so happy to see this pretty blue today after so many gloomy drab grey days. I know, it is January and winter. It's supposed to be like this. So this is a very welcome sight to see. I hope it's like this all over today.
Kansas came outside long enough to hug Sybil.
This is all the wood that's left. We need more. But with the new wood heater, we aren't using nearly as much wood as we did last year with the open fireplace. We have a lot of wood inside. Enough to last a few days. I went yesterday to a place that sells wood. Oak is $50 for the smallest size. A rick? I can't remember. And the hickory was $60. But there were a lot of really small pieces. I'll look around some more. I have seen lots of ads on Craig's list. I'd love to have it delivered because our truck gets about 4 miles per gallon.
I am so happy to see this pretty blue today after so many gloomy drab grey days. I know, it is January and winter. It's supposed to be like this. So this is a very welcome sight to see. I hope it's like this all over today.
Kansas came outside long enough to hug Sybil.
This is all the wood that's left. We need more. But with the new wood heater, we aren't using nearly as much wood as we did last year with the open fireplace. We have a lot of wood inside. Enough to last a few days. I went yesterday to a place that sells wood. Oak is $50 for the smallest size. A rick? I can't remember. And the hickory was $60. But there were a lot of really small pieces. I'll look around some more. I have seen lots of ads on Craig's list. I'd love to have it delivered because our truck gets about 4 miles per gallon.
Thursday, January 3, 2013
It's been a nice day here today. I actually had to wear sunglasses while driving to town. But it's a muddy mess here. I hate that my poor goats and sheep have to step in mud to get anywhere. And everything is so brown and drab.
But I know that in just a few short months, it will be all green and pretty again. And there will be little lambs and goat kids jumping around and chasing each other. Little seeds will be popping up in the gardens. Flowers will start coming up again. Right now everything is just taking a little break. Resting. Meditating. Getting ready for a rebirth. A new beginning. New life. It's awesome. Something to look forward to. To long for. And wait for. It will come. The earth will bring forth new life again.
Until then, a little color. Lots of beautiful red berries, from my good friend's yard. Beautiful bright red.
And this old iron horse on an old barn, hiding from everyone. I had no idea it was even there.
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
All before coffee
I went to bed early last night. Felt kind of funny. While feeding and milking last night, I felt like I was gong to faint. Like everything was real distant. I had my jacket and gloves on and was sweating like summertime. I came inside and did a few things, then went to bed before 8. Then slept til almost 8:30. Feeling fine this morning.
So looked out the window first thing and saw the bad babies out in the pasture that they are not supposed to be in. Those 3 bad kids keep getting through the electric fence out back and going out to the pasture that's not mine. I've tried to fix the fence, but it's going to have to be all redone. So got them back in, fed them all hay. I got John Henry back yesterday so took Trudy out and put Abby in with him and Zeeboo. That was ok for awhile. Trudy is getting along with the others fine, but ran around looking for Zeeboo. So this morning, I took Abby back out and put Trudy back in. She is bred already but I'll just wait a little longer to put them all together.
Then went and got the 2 fences that I was going to use to separate the sheep. Put that along the fence the bad babies get through. It only went so far though. They all went back there and turned around and went back to the barn. So I hope that stops them til I get some money to fix it all.
Stella had gotten into the sheep pasture and chased them all over the place. I noticed a black flash while I was out back. Then saw all the sheep way down at the bottom of the pasture looking up this way, and realized it was Stella. So got her out and fixed that fence where she got in. I need to see if I can take her to a guy in Alabama that trians Border Collies. I do believe Stella would make a good herding dog if she was trained. She sure has the instinct in her. She's just turned 2 so should be ready to work. And I need a working dog to help me.
Then noticed Sandy and Zarah jumping on each other. So ran and got Arlo Guthrie, the little boer buck. Took him to the stall and got Sandy and put her in there. I just don't think I am going to get any kids from Sandy this year. But I won't give up trying. Then had to get them hay and water.
And also noticed that one of the bad babies, Iris Josie, was looking a little droopy. She had runny poop a few weeks ago. I gave her plain yogurt then. She got over that. So I brought her and her momma, Abby, into the milk room. Gave Iris some Cydectin, Red Cell, plain yogurt and a shot of Thiamin. She's a little skinny too. I'll keep an eye on her.
So I finally got to come in and get some breakfast and some coffee. It's a mess out there. Wet and muddy and just plain ole nasty. It's supposed to not rain for awhile, thank goodness. I am tired of it.
Now I am off to sew some more on the quilt. Have a great day!
So looked out the window first thing and saw the bad babies out in the pasture that they are not supposed to be in. Those 3 bad kids keep getting through the electric fence out back and going out to the pasture that's not mine. I've tried to fix the fence, but it's going to have to be all redone. So got them back in, fed them all hay. I got John Henry back yesterday so took Trudy out and put Abby in with him and Zeeboo. That was ok for awhile. Trudy is getting along with the others fine, but ran around looking for Zeeboo. So this morning, I took Abby back out and put Trudy back in. She is bred already but I'll just wait a little longer to put them all together.
Then went and got the 2 fences that I was going to use to separate the sheep. Put that along the fence the bad babies get through. It only went so far though. They all went back there and turned around and went back to the barn. So I hope that stops them til I get some money to fix it all.
Stella had gotten into the sheep pasture and chased them all over the place. I noticed a black flash while I was out back. Then saw all the sheep way down at the bottom of the pasture looking up this way, and realized it was Stella. So got her out and fixed that fence where she got in. I need to see if I can take her to a guy in Alabama that trians Border Collies. I do believe Stella would make a good herding dog if she was trained. She sure has the instinct in her. She's just turned 2 so should be ready to work. And I need a working dog to help me.
Then noticed Sandy and Zarah jumping on each other. So ran and got Arlo Guthrie, the little boer buck. Took him to the stall and got Sandy and put her in there. I just don't think I am going to get any kids from Sandy this year. But I won't give up trying. Then had to get them hay and water.
And also noticed that one of the bad babies, Iris Josie, was looking a little droopy. She had runny poop a few weeks ago. I gave her plain yogurt then. She got over that. So I brought her and her momma, Abby, into the milk room. Gave Iris some Cydectin, Red Cell, plain yogurt and a shot of Thiamin. She's a little skinny too. I'll keep an eye on her.
So I finally got to come in and get some breakfast and some coffee. It's a mess out there. Wet and muddy and just plain ole nasty. It's supposed to not rain for awhile, thank goodness. I am tired of it.
Now I am off to sew some more on the quilt. Have a great day!
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
A quilt in progress, a cat and some eggs
Just a few things to start off this new year.
I am about half way through sewing the pieces together for the blue jean quilt. My right middle finger is pretty sore from the needle jabbing through my skin. I have a bandaide on it so I can still sew. A little awkward, but it helps. I can't sew with a thimble at all. I can't wait to see this all done.
I love this picture. This is Sybil. I've had her 7 years now. Got her and her brother from a friend when she was a kitten. She is pretty deaf. And the sweetest cat I have. I just thought this was so pretty of her with the bird house and the cement bird. I don't think she has ever hurt another creature.
Look at the difference in these 2 eggs. I was at the feed store the other day and there was a guy with several dozen eggs he was selling. I bought a dozen. I have gotten eggs from them years ago and have seen their coops. They are cooped, which I forgot. I was just happy to see eggs from local chickens. And for $2.00. So this morning I fixed eggs and put one of theirs and one from my hens. Big difference. That's mine on the left. Theirs is at least darker than the store bought "free-range organic" eggs I have bought for $5 a dozen. But my 4 hens are all laying now so I get at least 3 eggs a day. Sometimes 4.
I took Adabelle home yesterday. And I got John Henry back today. He's out in the back yard with the 2 new does. Not much going on right now. But he sure does still stink!! So maybe there is still hope for a successful breeding.
It's been raining since last night. We are sopping wet. I mean everything is under water. We always get ponds when it rains like this. I used to have ducks and they would love to get to swim in the pond up front. They were the only animals that liked the rain around here.
Have a great first week of this new year y'all!
I am about half way through sewing the pieces together for the blue jean quilt. My right middle finger is pretty sore from the needle jabbing through my skin. I have a bandaide on it so I can still sew. A little awkward, but it helps. I can't sew with a thimble at all. I can't wait to see this all done.
I love this picture. This is Sybil. I've had her 7 years now. Got her and her brother from a friend when she was a kitten. She is pretty deaf. And the sweetest cat I have. I just thought this was so pretty of her with the bird house and the cement bird. I don't think she has ever hurt another creature.
Look at the difference in these 2 eggs. I was at the feed store the other day and there was a guy with several dozen eggs he was selling. I bought a dozen. I have gotten eggs from them years ago and have seen their coops. They are cooped, which I forgot. I was just happy to see eggs from local chickens. And for $2.00. So this morning I fixed eggs and put one of theirs and one from my hens. Big difference. That's mine on the left. Theirs is at least darker than the store bought "free-range organic" eggs I have bought for $5 a dozen. But my 4 hens are all laying now so I get at least 3 eggs a day. Sometimes 4.
I took Adabelle home yesterday. And I got John Henry back today. He's out in the back yard with the 2 new does. Not much going on right now. But he sure does still stink!! So maybe there is still hope for a successful breeding.
It's been raining since last night. We are sopping wet. I mean everything is under water. We always get ponds when it rains like this. I used to have ducks and they would love to get to swim in the pond up front. They were the only animals that liked the rain around here.
Have a great first week of this new year y'all!
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