Wednesday, August 29, 2012

If you have lots of peppers, just stuff 'em.

I have SO many bell peppers. So the other day I made stuffed bell peppers. I haven't done that in years. I cut up onions and the tops of the peppers. Cooked them with hamburger. Cut up some tomatoes. Added that and some corn and cooked rice, salt and pepper. I boiled a pot of water and put the peppers in for about 5 minutes, til soft. Then stuffed them full and added some cheddar cheese and baked. They were so good! I had a red one because I do not like cooked peppers but can handle the red ones.

I went to market today and all I had was bell peppers, sweet banana and hot peppers. And soap. Didn't sell a single pepper. But did sell some soap. So I think I might just stuff a bunch and freeze them. I have several bags of chopped bell peppers already in the freezer so don't need more. Stuffed peppers sound good.

I am in that gardening period where I am waiting on things to grow and it hasn't rained in awhile. My turnip greens are doing great though. And the radishes are too. So I hope to be taking some of those to market in the next week or so. Then I should be getting more green beans and peas soon too. And hopefully cucumbers. I'll wait to plant lettuce as it's still too hot for that yet. And I am waiting on Brussel sprouts to come. I need some bad!

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