Monday, July 2, 2012

More Sheep, Chickens and a Dog

 These are the boys. Abraham in the front, Alfie in the middle and Axel standing, guarding the chickens. They are so big. They were all born in March. Alfie and Axel are more of a hair sheep and Abraham is a Finn. He's so handsome. And the friendliest one of the whole bunch of lambs. I may keep him to use for breeding Lucinda and the ewe lambs in the fall.
Axel and Abraham.
 The chicken yard. It's pretty big.  They have plenty of room to roam. The bottom picture is the back so it is an L-shaped yard. They have eaten every blade of grass in there though. When I mow I will put the bagger on and throw that grass in for them. They love it.
 The 2 new Americana chicks. They still won't go out/ Here they are behind the cage, safe from the mean ole big chickens. It's the darker little one that is being bullied. Hopefully that will stop soon.
 And here is Stella Bella Luna. She comes in with me to see her sheep. I will keep her with me when I come into the ram yard. They are young and nice right now, but they will not stay that way. And there are 3 of them and only one of me. So she will help keep them back away from me when the time comes. She loves her sheep. And they tolerate her. I need to learn some sheep herding commands for her. She knows "back"  and "out" and "that'll be all". I learned that from Jenna at www.coldantler. She's a good dog.


  1. Abraham is beautiful! Do you spin his wool? That's on my bucket list of things to learn. :)

    1. Hi Kim. I will probably shear him in October. I still have the 3 bags of wool from Lucinda, Darla and Earl, the ram that went to the freezer. There is a couple not too far from me that does small batches of wool. I just need to get it up there to get done. Not I am thinking I'll wait til I shear again and take a lot more to have done. I have my great grandmother's ole spinning wheel. I need to learn to spin! I did not like the hand spinning thing at all. You should learn too. You knit, right?
