Monday, July 9, 2012

Lucinda. Again.

This morning while feeding and doing chores outside, I noticed Lucinda's jaw was swollen. Again. So I got 2 syringes and filled them with Cydectin and Ivermec. Grabbed the shepherds crook and some feed. Went out there amongst the sheep and proceeded to catch Lucinda. She has been letting me pet her just a little lately. But sheep know when something's up. And something very serious was up. With her. So Lucinda and a few others went into the little place that has a gate and I went in and shut it.  Gave them some feed and waited. I grabbed her with the crook and she let me give her both wormers and was so good. She knows I am not going to hurt her. I am just trying to help her.

It has been so hot and very dry here for the past month. The grass is all crispy and brown. So not much good stuff out there for the sheep and goats to eat. But the worms love this. They are thriving. I was talking a someone up in middle Tn. who has about 130 sheep and he said they have been going through the worm meds like crazy lately. In fact, he said that they have had 5 sheep die from this. I hope they can get theirs under control soon. If we could get some good rain and cooler temps, I think we can.

So lets all do the nekked rain dance!

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