Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Sweet Rain!

It started sprinkling yesterday evening. And kept on all night. A nice gentle steady rain that was needed so badly. I had just finished planting the one row of Kentucky Wonder beans in the North garden to finsih that garden up. And tilled another row for Blue Lake beans in the South garden. And had started putting up the long branches I have been saving  for all the running beans. I thought I had alot. But only got half way down the Macasslen bean row and about 1/4 down the Kentucky Wonder row. And I have 2 more rows to go. I had cut a bunch of bamboo a few weeks ago at a friend's place so need to go get them. But I got the beans that were already trying to run right now. I had to replant most of them a few weeks ago.

And my friend came to get the only buck we had this year. He is a Nubian and full of spots. So cute. I hated to let him go but no way I could keep him. I just have his mother and sister. I'll be getting a new buck and another doe that are Nubian in about a month. I think I need to retire Abby. She is 10 and it is taking so long for her milk to get where we can drink it. Same thing last year. I would love to find a place where she could go live the rest of her life, like a goat retirement center. I'm checking this out.

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