Sunday, August 13, 2017

Wool, sheep and hawks, oh my!

It's SO hot here right now. It was only 98 yesterday. Just miserable. It's affecting the sheep. They either stay in the barn or under the trees or porch. They have had barber pole worms real bad too, with all the rain then this heat. I think I finally got the worms under control. I am now trying to get their blood built back up. So I am shooting them every day with B complex and giving them red cell. This seems to be working. And I just moved them back over to the front pasture, where it's been rested about a month now and the grass is looking real good.

This is Ella's wool. She's one of the triplets and the one I kept. She's 4 months now and her wool is about 2 inches long. It's really pretty. All the lambs wool is looking really good. I will have SO MUCH wool again next spring!

This is Darla and her boy Sam. I have never kept any of her lambs before. But he is the sweetest boy and he will be staying here awhile. He loves his momma!

This is Annabelle and her baby Goldberry. She had quads and I gave the other 3 to friends up the road. They all look like her.  I have yet to get Goldberry to let me touch her. It actually took about 4 years for me to get near Annabelle. She now lets me pet her and scratch her face and back. Goldberry is going to be like her.

Annabelle's only other daughter, Buttercup, was like this too. Til she had her lambs. Not I can pet her.

This is some yarn I've been spinning for the past few weeks. I started the white wool a few weeks ago. When I went down to S. Ga. for my sister's surgery in Savannah I took my wheel and spun in the waiting room at the hospital. I love seeing people's expressions when they see me spinning! And I am so surprised that most people have never seen someone spin before. Or know anything about sheep or alpacas. So I get to do a little education about the whole process. Also, the older people come over and tell me about growing up on a farm and how this brings back memories for them. That's fun!

SO I finished the white wool there and started the brown alpaca. Finally finished it yesterday and started plying them together. I really like this and it's so soft too. I really love doing this, but I get so sleepy! It's like driving. Or just sitting. I get so bored. I wish I could do something else while I spin. I'm such a multi-tasker, it's just hard to do only one thing!

And we have a resident hawk family here. I did notice last week a hen was missing. I was hoping she might be sitting on a nest of eggs somewhere. But then I saw the hawks. So she may have been breakfast. These hawks are awfully brave too. I see them in the apple trees. And this morning, I was going to the coop and saw one right in the middle stall. I threw the green feeder at it. Darn hawks. I like them, but not right here.

Have a happy Sunday y'all!

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