Friday, June 9, 2017

Random Friday post...

It's Friday! I really never cared what day of the week it was. I think if I had a favorite day, it would have to be Mondays.When my kids were young and in school, I always loved when Monday came. I could get them in school, clean the house, go shopping. Just have some time for myself.

I put a little fence around the mockingbird nest. The sheep were out in the garden and they were getting close to the nest, trying to eat the leaves. So I got a little scared they might knock the nest out or put a hoof in the nest. I felt better anyway. I think the mom and dad did too. These babies are so big already! They'll be flying soon.

This morning, I went out to check for eggs and I saw these 2 up on the hay bale. I got a video of her laying an egg. It was amazing. I've seen it before, but it just amazes me. Can't get eggs any fresher than that. Don't know why the picture is so huge.

And this is 2 of the fig bushes. Or fig trees. I went out the other day and saw how huge they are and am wondering how the heck I'm going to get the figs now! And they are all 3 loaded with figs.

I am still having barber pole worms in a few of the ewes. STILL. I noticed Campbelle last night with a puffy jaw, so gave her some Safegaurd and Red Cell. This morning, she looked lots better. I was getting the Red Cell in a syringe and Annabelle was right next to me. She sniffed the syringe and I put it in her mouth. She started licking it, so I squirted it in her mouth and she took the whole thing. Then Amarillo did the same thing. Geeze, and here I've been catching them and straddling them and pushing it down their throats! Sheep! They will always amaze me.

So I went out back to mow so I could let the sheep out there tomorrow. The lawn mower just quit when I got off to open the gate and would not start back up. Made me SO mad, I hit it with my right hand and I do believe I broke my pinky. I broke it years ago and it's been crooked ever since. I have a knot on the middle top and it's pretty swollen. I have got to learn to control my temper! Especially when it comes to my hands. Now I'm hoping it doesn't kill me to milk the goats. UGH!

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