Friday, April 7, 2017

Soaking up the sun

It's a glorious day here today. After so much gloomy rainy wet weather, this is amazing! I've already washed towels and rugs and hung them out to dry. It's windy and cold, but the sun is out! We do have a fire going in the wood stove since yesterday morning. It's cold! And will be cold til next Monday. April is such a wonky month really. Doesn't quite know what to do. Hot one day, cold the next. Sunny, then rainy. It actually rained yesterday while the sun was shining. So crazy!

I started digging a trench over in front of the sheep-chicken barn yesterday. It's nothing but a stinking mud pit. Poor sheep can't even get inside without wading trough knee deep wet cold mucky mud. It's horrible. So I decided to dig a trench and route the rain water away from there. So far it's working and water is draining out to the field.

I am expecting lambs from all 8 of the sheep starting the 15th. I see udders on all of them now. I am crazy for doing this. I'm stressing out, thinking of all that could go wrong. I'm dreaming that they all have 4 lambs each. UGH... And Adalaide, who had twins 3 years ago, is huge. One of the lambs was already dead, laying out in the cold wet mud. Cara was barely breathing when I found them. I got her inside and warmed up and got her a bottle of colostrum. She joined the other 2 bottle babies on the side porch. Amarillo had quads earlier that month and didn't really want the 2 ewe lambs. And she is huge now.

And I found out earlier this week that I will not be able to use my neighbors pasture next door. I am so glad I didn't fertilize over there when I did all the rest of my pastures. So we will not have a garden this year. Sheep will be in it. We put up a fence Monday to keep them out of the apple and pear trees and will use that little plot between the trees for a small garden. My husband will plant it. I just do not want to mess with a garden this year anyway, after the drought last year.

The kids are growing like weeds. They turned 4 weeks old Tuesday. I am giving Freya's kids a bottle a few times a day. Seems like she won't let them nurse. I have a friend who wants all 4 doe kids. And my friend who disbuds for me wants Thorin the buck. I am so glad to find good homes for my kids.

S now just waiting on lambs and for the ground to dry out here.

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