Saturday, April 22, 2017

Number 8 and 9...

were born yesterday evening. I had just gotten home with grand kids and saw Cara laying flat out like she was dead. I ran out there and she got up. But I could not get her into a stall. She had actually been in a stall all day and was still when I left. I should have shut the gate.

So anyway, I had to help pull the first lamb out. It was a ewe lamb, all brown and so pretty. I got her dried off and picked her up to try to get Cara into a stall. She followed us in. Then a little later she started pushing again. This one was a little smaller, but dead. So dead. Looked just like the first one, another ewe lamb.

Cara kept moving around, but I got the baby to get some colostrum. Then I went and got a little bottle and gave her some more. It was dark then. So I left them alone. I buried the lamb out behind the barn with the other lamb.

This morning, I took another bottle, just in case she needed it. But she was good and nursed.

So Cara was the 4th ewe to lamb. We have 7 lambs so far. 4 ewe lambs and 3 ram lambs.

I named the new lamb Elanor, after the elf flower that grew in Loth Lorien, the elf city in Lord of the Rings.

The other 3 ewe lambs I named Ella, Emmy and Elsa.

The ram lambs are Bilbo, Frodo and Sam.

Then I finally caught Adalaide in the stall next to Cara. Cara is Adalaide's daughter from 3 years ago. I went out that morning and saw 2 lambs on the ground, One was already dead. Cara was barely alive. Anyway, got her in and she was a bottle lamb. Adalaide didn't want anything to do with her. So I hope she will keep any new lambs. If not, I have a friend who will take them.

AND, we are supposed to be getting storms here later today. UGH!! I don't have mush room left for more lambs right now inside.

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