Tuesday, April 25, 2017

All the boys...

This is Lambchops. He is Adalaide's boy. She also had a ewe lamb. She is taking such good care of them! I'm really proud of her. I'm so glad I got her in a lambing jug, just in time! But this little guy is adorable! I call him Lambchops because he does have those fluffy sideburns like a man.

These are Darla's boys. The black and white is Frodo and the brown is Sam. She's a really good mother and apparently has rich milk, because these are fat little guys.

And this little sweetie pie is Bilbo, Cameron's boy. He has been limping. Somehow he's hurt his right front leg. One of the big ewes might have hit him, trying to get him away from them. Or Cameron could have done something. Whenever she's ready to go, she nudges him til he gets up to follow her. She doesn't let him get too far from her. But he would rather just lay down and sleep, just like Bilbo Baggins did when he was so old.

And these very small boys are Amarillo's. Goodness, they are so small. As big as she is, I am a bit surprised. But she did have triplets. They both look like her a lot. The smaller one is Pippin and the bigger one is Merry. I love them!

Still waiting on Campbelle and Annabelle to lamb. They are just laying around, waiting too.

I'll take pics of all the girls later. There are 5 of them.

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