Thursday, January 5, 2017


So I have been sick since last year .It started last week, Tuesday I think, with a cough. It grew to the flu. It was evil. After taking checks to Mrs. T's Wed. morning, I came home and went to bed and didn't get up til Saturday. It was bad. My throat hurt so bad I cried. A lot. I got up one of those mornings and almost past out. I lost almost 12 pounds.  I am somewhat better, but not like I want to be. I never want to go through anything like this again. My husband was sick too but I didn't know it.

And I have no pictures to share at all. It's just gloomy anyway here. We might get some snow! It's been raining a lot. Our local weatherman, David Glen, is a big liar. He said we would have a cold DRY winter. So far, there is not a dry spot out there. It's cold though. I think I would seriously consider moving to the Arizona desert for winters from now on.

I took the ram back home last week before I got sick. Thank goodness, he's gone! He was the biggest fattest ram ever! He was a real glutton. With him here, they went trhough a whole round bale of hay in less than 2 weeks. He had to go. Then I get panic attacks now, worrying if ALL the sheep are pregnant. UGH, what was I thinking????

Both goats are pregnant. Getting bigger every day. Already waddling. I've been getting cow milk from my friend Sarah. It's just not the same though.

I am making some ham and bean soup with the left over ham from Christmas. It smells so good in the house. I haven't cooked since last week.

I hope everyone had a great Christmas. And wishing you all a happy healthy 2017!


  1. We'll, that's just awful. At least you got to have Christmas. Last year, I didn't see my son or his wife at all for Christmas as they both got sick with the flu on Christmas Eve. I'm just glad they didn't expose the rest of the family. Did you get the flu shot this year? You've got immunity to some strain of the flu now, like it or not.

  2. No flu shot for me. I never have. I'm usually pretty healthy. Just getting old I guess. And elderberry syrup had nothing on this either.

  3. I am so glad you're better! I wish you'd consider getting a flu shot next Fall.

  4. No! I hope I never get this again though. I think I'll be better prepared.

  5. Glad your are better. The flu is so hard to kick. I have been sick since Thanksgiving and on my 3rd antibiotic and finally feeling better. I'm not what sure what I had but it turned into something else.

    We had about 3 1/2 inches of snow. Its been down to 3 and 4 degrees the past couple of nights. Doing the same again tonight.

    Take care of yourself. It takes a while to get back to normal. Happy Healthy New Year to you too.Take care.

