Thursday, September 1, 2016


I can't have a hummingbird feeder anymore. This is what I found today. I almost cried. There are several bees inside drowning.  And I couldn't get it down because they were buzzing like crazed bees. So I had to wait til tonight to empty it. I tried to put feeders in the hives but the bees are all on the outside of the hives still. It was pretty warm today and still is. So maybe I  can get the feeders on tomorrow. I hate that so many bees drowned.


  1. Sorry to hear this. But there might be some light at the end of the tunnel. I have several HB feeders around my property and this style is the only one with holes large enough for the honey bee to crawl into. So look into some other styles that have a hole just the size for the HB to insert its beak.

  2. This one is old and the little plastic mesh things have come off 3 of the holes. That's how the bees were getting in. So sad. I think the hummers went somewhere else anyway. But I will look while I'm out today. I've been looking at some but they're so expensive. But worth it to keep the bees from drowning.

  3. I think it was last year that some wasps decided that they were taking over my moms hummingbird feeder. They would chase the hummingbirds all over. Crazy to see a bird being chased by a little insect.
