Thursday, July 28, 2016

Spinning and yogurt.

I have been working on spinning some wool and alpaca for months now it seems. I finally got another bobbin full and started plying. I have 1 skein done and now working on another. It just seems to take me forever to bet a bobbin full. And I have so much wool to spin!!

This is really pretty and oh so soft too. All from my sheep and Sugar, the alpaca. I really need to just spin plain alpaca by itself one day. I will.

Yesterday I made some goat milk yogurt. My favorite show, Live Free or Die on National Geographic, has come back on. But I missed the first show. I thought it was tonight but it was Monday. I am so upset. But I watched a little video of Amelia making yogurt so I decided to try it.

I wrapped it all up in this blanket and put it on the back porch where it's hot. This morning, it's still warm, but not at all thick yet. That's the problem I have always had with goat milk yogurt. It's never think. I'll leave it and check it again tonight. I may just have some good buttermilk.

And this is some lacto-fermented ginger carrots I made about a month or so ago. I did not like them at first. But now, since they've been in the fridge so long, they are SO good! I love this. But next time I make it, I won't use so much ginger. It's way to spicy for me.  But so good.

Looks like we are in for some good rain. And tomorrow, right around market time, looks like the most is heading our way. So I am thinking about not going. But then if I don't go, it won't rain.   Ugh.


  1. I have been making yogurt with our goats milk. I use some special probiotics for the culture, so its not like regular yogurt and not as thick. It doesn't thicken till I put it in the fridge. As long as its warm, its just as runny as milk. I also let it culture for 24 hours, so it eats all the lactose.

    I checked our local library for the show you mentioned and they have the old season on DVD, so I will check it out. Sounds good.


  2. I like tyat show too and they are my favorite charecters in that show. My hubs tapes it so ww watch it anytime and take out all the commercials.

  3. I like tyat show too and they are my favorite charecters in that show. My hubs tapes it so ww watch it anytime and take out all the commercials.

  4. Mine was like milk too after 24 hours. I did not put it in the fridge, just thought it didn't work. I think I need to get some really good organic yogurt to start it with. I just used some Greek yogurt.

    I did get to see the new episode last night. I record too so I can speed through commercials. It was good. I love how creative these people can be. I see that Thorn has moved to N. Ga. I wonder how close he is to me here. I'd love to barter for one of those bowls he makes.
