Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Some animals at Outback Farm. And a rainbow.

This is Andy Oakley. He's probably 10 or 11 now. All my cats are old.

And these 2. My husband said he saw one of the sheep head butting Black Bart the other day. So I caught them in the act. It's Cameron and Black Bart. I have no idea why they do this. They don't hurt each other. They just butt heads. It's too funny really!

And Misha. He is tall enough where he can just reach up and grab an apple or leaves off the trees. I can tell where he's been.

We got quite a bit of rain yesterday. It's so weird though because it rained in several places but not others that were so close. Like when I left the house yesterday, it had rained about 3 miles up the road but not here. The guy I get my hay from for the sheep, his fields are as brown as dirt right now. But here and right past him are green.  But then it rained really good in Chattanooga and St. Elmo and Flintstone, but not in High Point. And on the way home, I called my husband to see if we had gotten rain. He said there were streams going down the driveway. And it rained on the hay fields! So I am very thankful for that rain!

On the way home, I saw this beautiful rainbow in Flintstone. So pretty.