Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Breakfast, on a plate I made

I went to the pottery studio to get the rest of the things I made there. I made these 2 plates, plus some bowls and mugs too. I will have to go back to the studio to make more plates. I don't know if I could make them on my kick wheel. Plus I don't have any bats to put them on to dry. I really want more plates now. I love them.

These are the bowls I've made so far, at the studio. I want to make more here before I bring them to get fired.

I love this bowl with a lid. I need to make more, but also need to be at the studio, to use the gauge tool. I need so many things here to do more, like plates and lids and bigger things.

So this morning for breakfast, I got some of my kale and peppers, sauteed them in olive oil, added eggs from my hens and feta I made from my goat's milk, and some sausage (the only thing I didn't raise here) and put it on my new plate that I made. I tell you what, this makes me feel really good! I made this plate and grew the food that's on it!!! How cool is that?

So I put an ad on Craig's List yesterday. Got 2 calls from people in Alabama who want to come see the kids. One lady is on her way right now. I hope I sell these babies. If I do, I'll be milking twice a day! And I only have  1 1/2 gallons a week going to people right now.

I saw a few ads on CL yesterday, one for bottle calves and another for pigs. The calves are Angus-Holstein and just $200. I can raise one on goat milk like I did Maize and Cowboy and have just the cost of the calf. And the pigs are just $50-75 each and looked to be a few months old already. I could do that. I have a spot out in the North pasture I could put a few lines of electric wire around and make a pallet shelter for them. And the calf could stay with the goats for now, then go out with the sheep later. I just might do this.

All of my pottery, except the plates, is for sale, if anyone is interested. I sold to little bowls to a friend last week for a gift. My 1st 2 pieces!

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