Thursday, April 7, 2016

Pretty productive day so far.

 This morning, when I realized the St. Elmo market opens in 2 weeks, I panicked! 2 weeks!? I have got to get busy!

So started making sheep balls. I have so much crappy wool to use for this. Got my scale and needle felting needle and went to work. After making about 15, I decided my hands were too rough and needed lotion. So put some on and went back to work. I loved how the wool stuck together better with the lotion on my hands. It was tighter. So from now on I will put lots of lotion on my hands.

That was before I got stabbed with the needle. Has anyone ever been stabbed through the finger with a needle felting needle? It really hurts! It surprises me first. Then I realize what just happened. I mean, this needle is about 2 inches long, with barbs about a half inch up, that grabs the wool and makes it stay together. I have had one go all the way through a finger before. Hurts for days after. Not fun.

Anyway, this is 24 sheep balls, ready for the washer, when I get some hose.

This morning, I decided to make some dandelion jelly too. So ran out and gathered 10 cups. Got it all ready. Hubby had to bring me some lemon juice from the store on his way home, but I had all the rest to make it. Got 6 jars of dandelion jelly. Tomorrow I want to make violet jelly.

Forgot to say the 2 jars on the left are plantain olive oil ready for salve. I just need the little jars I use to put the salve in. There wasn't much plantain yet, just starting to come up, but I got enough for this start.

And during all this, I washed a load of crappy wool that's not good for spinning, but good for felting. So got that done too. I have another smaller bag when this is dry. I just have one rack.

Now to go fix dinner and get ready for the very last night of American Idol. I am so sad Mackenzie was voted off last week. He was my favorite. I just like his music style. I have watched this show since season 2. But did not watch it when Niki Manaj was a judge.

 Then back to work tomorrow on more stuff. I am not working at Mrs. T's anymore on Fridays. And just filling in whenever I can't find anyone else to work. But still doing everything else. I haven't had a free Friday in years. This should be fun!

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