Friday, January 1, 2016

Hello 2016!

If spending the night with goats, sheep and alpacas at the end of the year is any indication of how the new year will go, then I'll be living in a barn.

The fireworks started when it got dark. The people down the road do this twice a year. New year's eve and July 4th. The goats were literally terrified, running around like they didn't know what was happening. The sheep and alpacas ran to the back yard. I had to go out there and give them hay to keep their minds off all the noise. Poor babies. I hate fireworks. Really hate them. People just don't realize how terrified animals get. This is when dogs and cats get so scared, they run. And keep running. And then get lost. Terrified and now lost. If I wasn't outside with my goats, they would have bolted through the electric fence and kept running. But I was with them, hugging them and talking to them. They were all fine and went back to the barn when it was all over. Then it happens again in 7 months.

Our 2 grand daughters have been here since last Thursday. We have done nothing but go, go , go. We have shopped and shopped some more. We go to my mom's this afternoon for turnip greens, Hoppin' John black eyed peas and rice, ham and corn bread. Yum! Can hardly wait.

I'll take the girls to get their hair cut Saturday. I am getting mine cut too. Time for a change.

So since March 7th, 2015, I have lost 47 pounds. Then I just stopped a few months ago. I was holding at 202 for awhile. Then a friend called and said she found Lay's Biscuits and Gravy potato chips at Walmart! OMG! That was when my sister was here for the holiday markets and I was too busy to go. She went to Walmart and I asked her to check on the chips. They had a whole bunch of them. So she got me 6 bags. Yes. 6 bags of biscuits and gravy chips! They are so good y'all. And I ate all 6 bags. I am over them right now.

So my goal in 2016 is to get down to 160 pounds. By my birthday June 5th. I can do this.

I also want to concentrate on my fiber studio. My ex SIL's girlfriend is a graphic designer. She's going to help me get a website for my studio up and running. And I want to open it as a little shop too. So I have a lot of work to do here. Lots of wool to spin!

I had to order a charger for my camera, since I can't find it. Anywhere. I swear, stuff just disappears around here as soon as I put it down. But if I find it, I'll put it by a plug in so I won't lose it again.

I hope the comments work, since I haven't gotten any in awhile. I've had lots of people looking, but no comments. So I just wonder if people are not able to comment or just don't have anything to say.  Just wondering.

So happy 2016 to you all! I hope and pray this year will be wonderful for everyone. And do something nice for someone as much as you can ok?


  1. Yes, you can do it! I made drastic changes in my diet, lost 20 lbs and was able to stop my diabetes meds. For me, that was the key motivation, staying healthy so I see my grandkids grow up. Holidays are evil with all the tempting foods and things that mess up my normal schedule. Plus, here in Michigan, I can't get outside to garden or walk so it's a struggle to keep the weight stable. I never thought I'd ever be able to lose the weight and it's nowhere near your phenomenal accomplishment.

  2. Great accomplishment! And you can do the rest as well I am sure of it. Share what you are doing here on your blog as I would love to follow you and maybe lose a few myself.

  3. We have the same problem here with the fireworks and explosives and guns. Fireworks and explosives are not legal here. People started shooting at around 8 and we were like "what in the world has got them started already?". Well then the wind came up. It was like 35 degrees, so all those stupid drunks went inside. It made for a more quiet New Years. I was happy for the wind for a change. There was still a couple explosives and and some gunshots and such, but defiantly more quiet.
    I had a lady come out and buy 6 bunnies today (we offer them for sale to pay for feed and butcher whats left)! What a great start to the new year! Then someone showed up to buy ducks, and then someone else came and bought two goat wethers! What a great day! I hope the year continues this way.

  4. Denny, that's great! You'll have to tell me what you've done to lose that weight. I just stopped eating anything with flour and sugar. Still am doing that. I did have a little tiny slice of my mom's home made pumpkin pie at Christmas but didn't eat the crust. And yesterday at her house, I had 3 crackers with cream cheese and hot jelly. It was good, but I really don't miss eating that stuff at all.

    And now it's just a few months and we can start gardening and getting out to walk again!!!

    Thanks for taking time out of your day to visit with me! I really dp appreciate you. And keep it up! I am proud of anyone who can get off all that medication.

  5. Thanks Kim! I really do need to change up what I've been doing. Get some exercise in each day. I'll try to post at least once a week here about my progress. And thank you as well, for taking time to stop in to visit and comment.

  6. That's great that you're selling some critters, Kimberly! I'll have goat kids in March and hope to sell them right away. I didn't breed any sheep this year, but now wish I had. Next year I will breed all 10 of them!

    I was wishing for rain so they'd all have to go inside myself. But then that would have been bad for all those people traveling. I didn't mind spending the night out there with my babies really. No other place I would rather have been.

    Thanks for all your helpful comments too Kimberly! They really have been helpful to me.
