Tuesday, November 3, 2015

So many sheep. And goats.

This is the sheep and goat arena at SAFF. SO many sheep! All colors and sizes and breeds.

This is a Romney ram. For sale. Isn't he handsome? I love the color. That's my dream, to have a Romney ram this color to breed my Finn sheep with. One day.

                                                       All Romney rams. And for sale too.

This is a Shetland. She's beautiful. I love their faces. They have such sweet faces and the colors are all so different on each one.

                              A Tunis. I love them too! I love their red faces. And look at those ears!

                                     I think this is a Shetland ram here. This is my favorite color.

And some sheep with dread locks!! How cool is this? I think these are a Wenslydale-Teeswater cross. Love it! They are cool and they know it!

                                                 Then I think this guy is a Cotswold? So cool!

                               And a few sheep. Isn't this color amazing? And they are SO soft too.

And this one! I wanted to take this one home with me, just so I could run my hands through the fiber all the time.

So so many sheep. They were all beautiful and their wool was just amazing.

With all the rain we've been having here, my sheep's wool is so clean and pretty. That's the only good thing about the rain right now. I can see the crimp and color so much better when it's wet.

But, days like these, I want to just sell all my animals and the farm and move to a high rise condo in the middle of Chattanooga. I HATE the mud and much and mess of it all. And it's just November. It's going to be like this til June. UGH!!! Seems like fall and winter has been like this now for years. I just hate it. I just slip and slide all over. I'm trying to lay old hay along the paths where the animals and I have to walk all the time, to make it a little easier. But then I'm sneezing and itching all over.

Speaking of hay, I have to get another round bale for the sheep and more squares for the goats. I gave Inga and Alva to my friend Cara, so just have Freja and Olga and the stinky buck. I have to get rid of him now. He's just not friendly at all. But I have about 4 months to find a home for him. And I need to make sure the girls are bred too.

I hope it's a little drier where y'all are. It's going to be in the 70'2 here! At least it's warm.


  1. Well it is clear that you love sheep (wool) like we (Kristin and I) love goats(milk). Kristin sent an unnecessary buck to the butcher and got the nicest bunch of delicious goat meat!! Those little chops were the bomb. Just a thought.....:P

  2. Love all the pictures of the sheep. I especially love the one with the dreadlocks.
    I am doing a spinning demo this weekend and looking forward to seeing some familiar faces. Thanks for sharing.I love all the pictures you take the time to post. They are wonderful.


  3. I don't know if I could send my buck to the butcher. Yet anyway. I want to see what his kids looks like and if they will have horns or not. I'd love to find a good home for him later. So for now, he's fine til kids are born. I have had goat meat before and really liked it.

  4. Linda, I also have a lot of love for those dread locked sheep! They are so cute. And their wool is really nice. I hope you have fun this weekend! People are always so amazed with spinners. There is always a crowd around them. I might bring my wheel to the holiday markets.

    And thanks for your nice comments.

  5. Well clearly he is a necessary buck then!
