Thursday, October 22, 2015

Knitting with the bees.

 Thank you all for the prayers and your kind words. I know her family will appreciate your prayers so much. It's still like a dream. I think everyone out here is still in shock. It's horrible. The local news did a story tonight about Mindy and the wonderful work she's done with handicapped children. I forgot to write about that. She  has horses and is a occupational  therapist. She started having children come to her ranch and ride her horses. So many children have been helped by Mindy. She just loved helping people. And her work will go on, with the help of her husband and friends now. She will be missed.

What's strange is the past few days have been really nice here. But not a single bike rider has been out here since this happened. Not a single one.

This afternoon, I sat out on the studio porch with a nice hot cup of mint tea and honey. I had lots of visitors! I had to rescue several that took a dive in the tea. They were all over me and everywhere! I love my bees. I had to drink the tea fast to keep any more from diving in and possibly stinging me accidentally.

Several landed on my hands while I knit. I finally got a good shot here. I love this picture. It's now my FB header.

I finished the neck ribbing finally. I have it on the table, blocking it before I do the front ribbing. The bottom was really tight and not quite as big around as I'd like it to be. I like sweaters to be big.  I really like this sweater so far. Although I wish I had knit the arms a bit longer. They are 3/4 length.

So hopefully it'll be dry by morning and I can take it with me to Mrs. T's to finish it. Well, maybe not finish it yet. I still want to add pockets to it.

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