Friday, September 18, 2015

The chickens are out again...

and back in the garden.

I did get the electric netting fence around most all of the kale and collards, so I hope the rest will be ok. I tried to block off all the holes around the fence too. But Black Bart is the first one out there. And he clucks so the girls follow him. Darn ole rooster.

I got more collards and turnips planted Tuesday and watered in really good.  Today I planted 2 rows of carrots to the right of the radishes. I think I'll plant a few more rows of radishes later.

So far, it's looking good out here in the garden. Buckwheat has flowers already. The bees are bringing in lots of bright yellow pollen right now. So I hope they'll have lots of honey to make it through the winter. I hope I don't have to start feeding them for awhile.

I am feeding the humming birds about every 4 days now. They come let me know when the feeder's about empty. I added a full cup of sugar this morning for them. They are getting ready for their long flight soon. I see them all over the place, in the window box and the flowers. I was sitting out under the cedar tree in the garden the other day knitting and I heard them all in the tree. I love them.

What's going on in your gardens right now? Anyone planting fall crops?


  1. Your garden looks great! Kristin and I have flats of Kale, Chard, and collards started. We are still picking butterbeans and peppers. We will get the fall plants into the garden as soon as we get the summer garden torn out and the composted manure tilled in. We've been working on it. You are way far ahead of us! Kristin did harvest about a hundred pounds of sweet potatoes and picked all the pears last week. The flats of seedlings live at my house where I water and rotate them every day until they are big enough to set out. We plan to direct seed radishes, lettuce, and beets.

  2. I'm still getting hot and sweet peppers and bell peppers too. Y'all have a little longer growing season down there. You'll have plenty of time for all yours to grow.

    I am so addicted to sweet potatoes. I love them. I wish I had grown some now, as many as we eat.
