Friday, July 31, 2015

Hello! And bye for another little break.

 Hi there y'all! I thought I better pop in and say hi and tell y'all what I've been up to. I really did get a lot done in July. I did miss being here though. And thank you all for the nice comments. I really do appreciate each one of you.

So I signed up for a knitting class at Genuine Purl in Chattanooga a few weeks ago. It's a 4 week class. This is the first thing I knit. A hat. Which I did totally wrong. But didn't realize til I had made 2 wrong hats. But I like these anyway and will just keep for me. I have to buy all yarn and supplies at this store too. So this is an alpaca blend, which is really soft and pretty. I always seem to have a hard time with this first step, the ribbed edging. All it is is knit 1 purl 1. That's all. But I cannot ever make a perfect ribbed edge. EVER! Even when I am totally alone and saying "knit 1, purl 1" the whole way around. Very annoying.

This is the 2nd hat. I have had this yarn for ever. Can't even remember what it was.

Ok, so this is the right way to knit this particular hat. This size is 90 cast on's, then the ribbed edge for 1 1/2", then purl to the 30th stitch, then knit all the way around. Then repeat. But I purled all the way in those 30 stitches, then knit the rest. But I did it right on this hat. I even had to write K and P on a piece of paper and check it off the whole time. So this one looks good. It's some Shetland yarn a friend brought back for me from Scotland last year. I love this hat!

I also finished carding this black alpaca fleece my friend Susan gave me when I got mt 2 alpaca boys, almost 2 years ago. There is a finished picture down a bit farther. I haven't spun any of it yet though. Still working on some wool.

This is a little baby blanket I crocheted with left over cotton yarn. I love it!

This week at my knitting class, I picked a cute little baby sweater to knit. I love it. I chose some pretty soft yellow cotton-acrylic blend yarn to make it with. This is as far as I have gotten, because I am at the arms. I'll have to go back before I go to the beach next week, so they can get me going on the rest of this. I hope  to also make a little matching hat.  I chose this sweater because it's a little like the Barn sweater I want to make for myself with Lucinda's wool I've been saving.

Here is another hat I'm making for my oldest grand daughter. She chose this cotton yarn for it. The turquoise matches her hair! It's perfect for her.

And I actually got ALL the alpaca fiber washed too! Both this year's and last year's. I am rather pleased with myself.

Here is all the wool I have washed so far. I have 3 more of my sheep's fleeces, plus a few others I have bought. I'll be going to a fiber show in Asheville, N.C. in October, I think. So I need to get ready for more fleeces!

The finished black alpaca batts.

This is the cutest little handmade and hand painted one of a kind clocks I had made for me from Zan Asha. I just love this clock! It's a girl spinning wool right from the little lamb facing her. The black faced ewe is my ewe Darla. The lamb facing the girl is Campbelle. And the other lamb is Cassidy. And there are honey bees buzzing all around them. Zan had to put shiny paint around the bees to make the show up better, but you really can't see it except in certain light. She matched the paint as best she could from what I showed her of the wall color in my studio. I am very happy with this little clock.

I've also been making goat milk soap. On the left is an orange-lemon, and a peppermint. I really need to get busy making lots more for all the shows I want to do starting in September.

And I harvested the corn and put it all in the freezer. My favorite part of a summer garden. I love doing corn.

Now I need to get the rest of the field peas.

So there are some of the things I've been doing in July. Oh, almost forgot my new goats. I'll take pics of them later. I got 2 4 month old doelings and a buckling from some friends who are selling out. I names one Inga and the other Alva. The buck is Oden. I love all their names. These girls are so pretty too. If anyone remembers my doe Penelope, Alva and Oden are from her lines. They are both naturally polled!! I am thrilled to have gotten them. Alva even looks just like Penelope too. She's a little skittish right now, but she's getting better. Inga is a big baby and very friendly.

I also had a hen go broody a few weeks ago, so put 8 eggs under her. They should hatch next week.

The little Bluebird babies were killed by a bad cat, Gilbert, while I was gone to S. Ga. to see my sister. I was so upset when I got home and saw the nest empty.

But all the barn swallow babies made it! In fact, they come to say hello every day. I saw 8 this morning, all lined up on the wire by the milk room. I love it! It's so cool to talk to them and they all talk right back to me.

So I wanted to go ahead and post today because this week end is the Sherrill family reunion up in Ozone Tn. I am so looking forward to this. I get to sit around and knit and talk and just have a good time with family.

Then Monday morning, me and my 3 grand daughters take off to Savannah and Tybee Island til Firday. What fun! My sister and her 17 year old daughter will join us. She found a little beach bungalow 3 blocks from the beach! With 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, a kitchen and 2 queen sofa sleepers! So Tuesday night, we go to Savannah to a ghost tour on a trolley. Then Wed. to some museums. Thursday, we go on a dolphin cruise at 7 PM. In between all this, we'll hang out at the beach. I am so looking forward to this time away! I am bringing lots of knitting projects with me!

So I will be back next week end. Hopefully not looking like a red crab. And thanks again to all who commented.


  1. Kristin welcome back!!! You sure are the busiest women I know.

    I love the painted clock you had made. That is the cutest thing I have ever seen. I would love to have one of those made. Do you think she would make one for me? Is there anyway I could contact her about it. I just love that thing. Its whimsical and I love things like that.

    Have fun on your trip and hope you really enjoy yourself.

    Linda : )

  2. Linda, her name is Zan Asha. I have her # but my FB is not working. Maybe you can look her up on FB. She can do anything you want.

  3. Missed you! Have a great week at the beach! Would love some goat pics.

  4. and we r having so much fun! we could have even more fun if we could stay awake! haha! these kids r wearing us out!
