Thursday, June 4, 2015

It's growing...

 slowly but surely. We've had lots of rain with little bits of sun here and there. So things are progressing slowly around here.

But the clover and wild flowers are growing really well. The bumble bees and honey bees are all over the clover right now. I just hate to mow it down. But it always comes right back out the next day. So I don't worry too much about it. I do leave certain places wild for them. I hope to be getting honey this month. There are 6 fully capped frames of honey in a shallow right now. Just waiting for them to fill the rest up. There is still tons of pollen and nectar flowing out there.

Here' is a bumble bee, busy at work.

This s the okra and cucumber garden, down at the bottom of the yard. It's in between the apple ad pear trees. I think I might plant blue berry bushes down here in the fall. But the okra and cucumbers I planted last Monday, are all up and growing fast!

I am really pleased with this corn. I haven't had any luck with corn or beans the past few years. But this year, they are all growing. I'll wait til next week, then put some Blue Lake running beans in the corn.

I planted sun flower seeds down the middle of the crowder pea row. All of them came up! I love sun flowers in the garden. I also have a big bed of zinnias that are doing great too.

And all over the garden, mainly in between the rows, are all these wild daisies. I just love them and have been mowing and weeding around them.  I'm happy to see them all over the garden. They are just happy flowers.

Today is my oldest daughter's birthday. I remember that day so well. She was the best baby and toddler any mother could ask for.  She's had lots of ups and downs and is in a slump right now, but I believe she'll climb out of it soon. She was my birthday present. My birthday is tomorrow. Most of our birthdays here are May and June. My other daughter was born the day before Mother's Day.

I am not going to reach my goal of 51 pounds by my birthday. But I'm ok with that. I have lost another 3 pounds though, so down to 212 this morning! It is still coming off! I might still go ahead and get the tattoo though.

And I am going to start the Brainerd farmers market again this Saturday morning. I am excited, but have to get back into that groove again. I went to the Main St. market yesterday and asked the manager if it wasn't too late, I'd love to come back there again. She said they were having a meeting next week and would bring it up. So I hope to let back in. I miss it there. I have a lot to do before Sat. morning. So off I go.