Friday, June 12, 2015

All done. And another egg!

 There's another egg in the coffee can bird nest today! Isn't this the cutest thing? I sure hope they all hatch and they get to live a long happy life out here.

And we're done with shearing for the year!!! This is Cara, she was the first of the last 4. She looks so cute all sheared now.

And next was Cassidy, then Amarillo then Adele. Boy, those last 2 were pure **** to catch and get them to settle down. and they are HUGE! It was quite scary to say the least.

Here they are here, all happy again. It was Cara and Cassidy's first time to be sheared and they did great.

Don't they all look nice and neat now? They all got their feet trimmed. And they all looked great after shearing, nice and healthy. Nice pink eyelids too. So no de-worming to do. I am just SO glad they are all sheared now.

This is the only way I can get a picture of my favorite baby, Campbelle. She;s always right here. She's the sweetest baby ever.

So now to get the car all packed up for the farmers market in the morning.


  1. Beautiful animals. They won't miss that wool this week!

  2. No they won't. It's hot and they are all in the barn. They do look so much better now for sure.
