Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Ugh. Just ugh.

UGH! I seem to be stuck. And I am SO hungry all the time. But I'm sick of food. I need new ideas as to what to eat. Just tired of the same old stuff. And riding my bike is hard! I'm too old for all this. I just want the weight off right now and not have to work so hard to get it off. Just having a bad few days here.


  1. Aren't you on thyroid medication? Since you have lost weight, you might need to have your dosage adjusted.
    Just a thought....


  2. No, not on any medication. I did have this same problem a few years ago. Walking every day over 3 miles. Not losing any weight. But I wasn't changing how I ate either. I am now not eating anything with sugar or flour in it. I lost 20 pounds real fast at first but it's taking longer now. I have lost 3 pounds, then I go back up, then down again. So around 28 pounds so far since March 7th. I just wanted to lose 51 pounds by June 5th. Don't see it happening now. And I have not eaten anything bad at all.

  3. Yah, my Mom doesn't hardly eat anything, and gets lots of exercise and yet she is overweight. The only time she has been able to lose any weight is when she has gone on the Adkins diet.
    You say you JUST want to loose 51 pounds! I think that losing 28 lbs is a big accomplishment, especially in the time frame you have lost it.
    Think of it this way as long at you are eating / living healthy does it really matter what weight you are?... There are a lot of thin people that are very unhealthy.


  4. Invest in some almond flour (EXPENSIVE) and make some crackers etc. Or some parmesan chips. Freeze some bananas and then put in blender with some unsweetened cocoa powder or almond butter and a splash of coconut milk for a legal ice cream. Or do the same thing with frozen berries.
    Make a pizza with cauliflower crust. (google recipe for crust)
    Eat a bunch of pistachios.
    Just a few ideas.
    You've hit a plateau. Don't give up. I'm with you. I need to lose about 30, and have seen the scale sit at the same number well over 2 weeks.

  5. I know this is just a big hump. But when seeing the scale just stay at a certain number, gets a little discouraging.Your mother is probably very healthy, Kim. My step dad was very overweight but always had good numbers whenever he went to the doctors. My sister, who is very skinny, is not healthy and has so many problems. So I know that's true. I will keep on. Do more bike riding and walking. Thanks so much for your encouragement! It means SO much.

  6. Lisa, I do have a recipe for cauliflower flat bread that I need to make. It looks really good. And I could make a pizza with it. I usually have about a 1'4 cup of plain almonds every day. I was talking to a friend yesterday and she was saying to freeze the smoothies and eat like ice cream too. I'll have to do that, just so it'll feel like a special treat.

    I will be sending good thoughts your way too. It can feel bad to see the scale sit at a certain place too long. But we CAN do this!!! I hope you'll keep checking in on your progress. I'd love to know how you're doing too. Thanks for all your suggestions.
