Friday, May 1, 2015

Random post.

I went to town this morning, on a hunt for Blue Lake green beans. And beets and corn too. But the beans were a must. I found some at a little plant place in Lafayette. I had been there Tuesday and bought 2 flats of plants. They have good prices. So went back today and they had the beans. I also got Pink Eye purple hull crowder peas and Silver Queen corn and beets.

So went home and tilled several rows. I sure can tell a difference where the clover was. Nice and soft and lots of worms too. I think I'll plant the whole garden in clover next fall. I hope it helps in the quality of the plants too.

I got 4 rows of corn, 2 rows of peas, 3 rows of green beans, a bed of beets planted today. Plus had bought 20 marigolds to plant in the tomatoes.

Plus all I did Tuesday. Pretty good garden so far. I'll wait til next week, when we should be in the 80's, to plant okra. Then I should be done for awhile. Just wait on all the seeds to come up. I had to water all the plants this evening. Already dry. I want to plant more kale too.

After all this, a friend called and wanted to ride bikes. I met her up the road and we rode 4 miles. All the way to the Cross farm and back. One long hill I had to walk halfway up. Dang hills. I will go the whole way soon.

And I've lost 3 more pounds. It's taking lots longer than I was hoping. But 22 more pounds by June 5th. I hope I can do it.

My dog Bubba came home yesterday from romping out back and going swimming, with a sliced open left ear. I didn't know what happened to him. He came back all bloody. So I took him over to the faucet and hosed him down. He had about an inch long slice through his ear. Have no idea what happened. Unless he tried to attack baby geese back at the pond and the parents attacked him. I hope they did if that's what happened. Bad dog.


  1. Hey Kristin! Congrats on the weight loss! That is a LOT. My mom always says to think of it like hamburger. 25 lbs of hamburger... WOW! And your weight loss will slow. My Korean gyno (who retired but I LOVED) always said. Maintain. So don't focus too much on losing, but maintain what you have lost and let the rest come bit by bit.

  2. Thanks Lisa. I am not going to give up. This is a life change for me.
