Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Meet Freja.

Freja is my new doe. She's 3 years old. She had a buck kid that was 7 weeks old but he died this morning from kidney failure. My friend is still unsure how this happened. I was going to get this doe, but not this soon. But here she is.

She is part Lamancha and part Nubian. I think she got the Nubian loud mouth for sure! And she has the Roman nose. And with just 1 kid, her udder is a little uneven right now. I am hoping, with milking her twice a day, she will even out soon.

I am hoping she will get along with the sheep. She was kind of bullied by the older doe that was her grandmother. So she always stayed by herself most of the time. So she should be ok til I get another goat. I think in the fall, I'll get another doe from a friend who has a lot of doelings she wants to sell. I will hopefully get to use Woody, who is John Henry's buck from last year, to breed Freja and the other doe.

She so reminds me of Sandy, my Nubian doe. She was always the loud mouth of the herd. I hope that Freja will be the lead doe if I wait to get the other goat later. And I hope to be able to keep the sheep and alpacas and the goats together. For now anyway.

It feels good to have a goat again. It's been a year without them here. I got the milkroom all cleaned out today before I went to get her. And I've had this name on my mind for weeks now. I love it. When I went to see her, Kendra said she never has named her. So Freya she is. It just fits her. I love her already. I gave her Abby's collar to wear. That seems to fit too. And I know Abby would be ok with that.

So here I go again!


  1. Congrads on the new one. Hope she works out ok for you.

  2. Thanks. She's new at this, so a little skittish. But stands still, so I am good with that.

  3. Yay! I don't know how you went without fresh goat milk for a whole year. She's very pretty.

  4. I know! I did have a friend I was getting goat milk from for a few months, but $6 for half a gallon was getting too much for us. So I figured this goat would pay for herself real fast. I'm getting half a gallon a day from her and it's going up every time now.
