Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Feeling blah today.

My bees are doing so good. Still bringing in lots of pollen. I wish they could gather ALL the nasty pollen. The past several days, my eyes have been very itchy and red and watering like crazy. I rub them so hard, my eye balls get swollen. And my dandelions are dwindling fast. I feel better when I have a big cup of dandelion tea every day. But one day, there will be no more.

As I was mowing the garden yesterday, I mowed around the hive. The sun was shining and it was warm. I could smell honey! I hope to be able to harvest some honey in the next few weeks. I bought a manual 2 frame extractor. I hope it's going to be pretty simple to figure out. I've never done it before. But I've never gotten this close to having my own honey before either. In fact, all I do with these bees is a learning experience. Last night, it was raining real hard. When I went out to check on all the critters, I checked the hive too. There were still some bees going in and out. And rain looked like it was getting in the entrance. So I put the big board on the top of the hive to help keep rain out. Well, there must have been a bee on the board and it got in my left sleeve and stung me under the arm. I kept feeling something and I guess it was another bee because I got stung on my neck too. Silly bees. Just trying to help and get stung.

So I have no desire to do anything right now. I have no motivation at all. And SO much to get done. I want to go to the farmers market this Saturday and bring my hand spun yarn. I need to figure out some sort of display to hang the yarn on. So need to go to town. Also need more jars for salve. Need to make some soap. I watched a few you tube videos on how to make hot process soap. I really want to try it. But don't even feel like doing that. I don't know what's wrong with me. No energy I think.

We got a lot of rain starting about 3:30 yesterday. Thunder and lightening right over the house. I sat on the porch and crocheted a little. It felt good out there. Later I went to see how the okra rows looked. There was water standing in the rows. I hope all the seeds didn't get washed away. But it looked like it was just staying on the rows, not moving. So they should be fine. But I see all the news around the country, like Houston flooding, Arkansas storms. A mess all over. Then California still in a horrible drought. I don't know what's going on these days. Just crazy.

I think I'll just go to town. Get away for awhile. Sounds good to me.