Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Gardening. Finally.

My bee mentor came yesterday. He did a very thorough hive inspection. I saw lots of beautiful golden honey!!!!! I am SO happy! He took the biggest box off the top and added the medium and shallow ones instead. He said they are easier to get in the extractor. We also put a queen excluder on the 2nd box. He  saw lots of brood and pollen in the brood box at the bottom. And lots of smaller newer bees too. So I have a very busy queen! I should get honey in June. So I went and bought a manual honey extractor. I am ready!

In garden news, I mowed most of the clover down Monday. Gary, the bee guy, said the bees don't really pay attention to the Crimson clover, because it's a hybrid. I had not seen any honey bees in it, just the big bumble bees. So yesterday, I mowed that bigger patch down.

Went to mt friends over at Pocket Farm and got 10 huge Rutger and 3 Black Cherry tomato plants. And some dill. Then went to Lafayette to this plant place and got 2 Better Boy, 2 Big Boy and an Amish Paste tomato, 2 red bell and 1 green bell, 1 sweet banana and jalapeno and cow pepper plants. Also 2 yellow and 2 zucchini and a cabbage. These are cups of 6 each. I had some kale left from last year. And a little envelope of organic kale from Woolly Moss Roots in Oregon. So I got some collard, radish, lettuce and spinach seeds from the feed store. And they were slap out of Blue Lake green beans. OUT! And will get no more. I am not happy. I love those beans and have planted them every year for 35 years now. There is no other bean like them. So I will be on the hunt for BL beans.

I got all of this planted yesterday afternoon. My husband planted 10 tomato plants. That helped. And I do believe I planted all the kale and collards in the same row!  I know I did really. This should be interesting. Sometimes I could just kick myself. And now, we are getting the most gentle little April shower. Perfect. It hadn't rained here since last Friday night. The South side of the garden was pretty dry, but the North side was still a bit wet. I still have beans and corn and okra to get planted. It's a start anyway!

Down here, I think I want to plant the stinging nettles. And I got some organic Mullein seeds from Taryn too, so might plant a row of that here as well. It will get pretty big. Got some catnip too. Don't know a lot about it. It does not smell too good though.

What's growing in your gardens so far? Would love to hear about it.


  1. Nothing growing here in Michigan yet except some perennial herbs. We don't plant tomatoes, peppers, beans, etc. until Memorial Day, which is why I don't grow much from seeds. It would be August before I had anything to harvest.

  2. I like fall gardens best. Not near as many weeds.

    I planted one row of Blue Lake beans yesterday. I had some from last year left. I am on the hunt for more today. And corn too. I have okra from last year too.
