Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Fiber show and antique store finds.

 I went to Townsend Tn. this past weekend to a fiber fair at the Heritage Center. My niece Jill and her son went with me. I had so much fun, talking to all the fiber people. I love them.

This is so Cormo I found. I've never spun any yet, so I got enough for a few skeins, I hope. It's really soft and pretty.

And one booth was nothing but rug hooking. She had little kits so I got one of a sheep. I had to go back Sunday and get the black felt. It wasn't in the kit. She was really nice and helpful. Had to get her to go over it with me again. I am such a visual learner, so directions don't mean a thing to me. I will get started on this soon.

This is some 100% cotton roving from The Spinnery. They had a booth at the show. I asked if they had any hand combs. She said they did in their store in Gatlinburg. We went after the show for lunch, then went to the store. It was amazing. I got hand combs. They are below.

And on the right is a bunch of Merino tops. It's amazing. Can't wait to spin it up.

This is an ounce of CVM wool. Never have tried it either. I've heard people talking about how no one really knows a lot about it and they want people to try it. So I am. It's not very soft but she said it can be worn next to the skin. We shall see.

On the way home Sunday, I went past a few antique stores that were open. I kept going, but then decided to turn around and go to the one that had all the stuff outside. I found SO many good things. I'm so glad I stopped.

This book caught my eye. Then a little tiny McCoy lamb that just had to come home with me. I'm such a sucker for sheep. Has anyone read this book yet? I've read the 1st 2 chapters so far.

Also found these 3 stacks of quilt scraps. For $10.  Now I'll have to make a quilt. We sure need more quilts on these chilly nights.

Then I'm in a booth looking around and see this tall wooden shelf, holding a bunch of stuff. I looked for a tag to see if it was for sale. It was. $18! I ran to the desk up front to grab one of the ladies to see if that was for real. It was! I got it! It's amazing. It was a wind chime display rack.  I love it. It will be to hang my hand spun yarns on. Too cool!

And the chair was on the front porch. It did not have a tag, so I asked about it. I sat in it and it's so sturdy and comfy. The lady called someone about it. She said they were asking $55 but would take $25. I said I'll take it. This will go on my studio porch.

So I sure am glad I stopped.

I can't get that top picture to separate. But that's the set of combs I got at the store in Gatlinburg.  They are hand made. Called Indigo Hound. Just $150. I had to get a bolt to put in the hole to keep it steady. And we had clamps. This is some Wensleydale locks I was playing with, trying the combs out. You can see how much I put on the comb. Then below, the 2 balls I made and then all the waste to the left. That's a lot of waste. But I posted this on the fiber group on FB and they say that's pretty much normal. That's why combed top is so expensive. But I love doing this.

This is some of Adalaide's curly kinky locks. I could not put this through my carder at all. This is why I bought the combs, so I could process her wool. And I have a lot of Romney that needs processed as well, so I'll use these.

This will keep me busy til all my sheep are sheared. Which I'm kind of glad she hasn't come yet. It's FREEZING here! Although, we have had some pretty hot days where the sheep will be panting like dogs. Poor sheep. Thank goodness, we have lots of trees.


  1. Looks like your going to be busy!
    I like the McCoy lamb.

  2. Hi Kris! Looks like you got lots of goodies!! So funny...I've followed you on blogger for a long time...and actually met you at the Spinnery on Sat.!....but I didn't know who you were!! I work at the Spinnery...not the owner....but the other were with your niece and her son?? So happy you like your combs! Will be even more fun following you now that I know you....kinda :) Blessings...Shine

  3. Ok, I do remember you. You were wanting to see how the combs worked. How cool! I'm sure I'll be back there soon. I loved that store. Nice to meet you, sort of! That's just weird. I know lots of people meet from blogs or face book. I just wish I had known it was you then.

  4. Kim, isn't that the cutest little lamb? I collect sheep of all kinds. And yes, I do need to get busy spinning now. Because soon, I will have 12 more fleeces to work with!
