Sunday, February 22, 2015

A little progress.

I've got 24 of these Sunburst Granny squares made so far. (I'm using cotton yarn. Love it.) I love them and they are so easy and fast to make. And they're so pretty and colorful. I need colorful right now. Everything seems so black and white right now. Not very happy lately. Just seem to be plodding along, doing what needs to be done. I think, if I didn't have animals to feed, I wouldn't even get up in the mornings. Just blah, blah, blah. ugh. It's not just the weather. There are lots of other things going on that aren't good. I hope when the sun comes out and dries up all the muddy mess and grass starts growing again, maybe things will be better? But I don't know.

Here is some silliness. My youngest daughter Abby and her husband came out in the snow and brought us a bunch of things. Brought Kansas and Chloe some things to do. Hair stuff and make up. This is what they did with some of it. Kansas thinks she's a cat all the time anyway.  I won't put Chloe's picture on here. It's too sad.

It's a lot warmer here today. Husband just said he saw the sun! We're supposed to have some more freezing nights to come, but warmer days. So spring is on the way here!


  1. So pretty! you made your own sunshine and shared it with us. Thank you.

  2. Lovely! I love colorful blankets, but don't really have the patients for all the color changes.
    Several years back I started to make a plain granny square blanket, and ended up having to put it away and forgot about it. Recently I was going through my closet and found the squares. Unfortunately we haven't been getting any rain (Not bragging. It sucks. Only 2 big rain storms so far this year.), so I don't feel that I can sit down to work on anything.

  3. I've been making a lot more. At Mrs. T's and at the eye doctor with mom. When I sit, I have to have something to do.
