Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Bee talk.

This morning, while I was sitting outside bagging up lettuce for market this afternoon, I had a visitor. One of my sweet honey bees landed on my right hand and stayed awhile. We talked a bit about the cooler weather we're having this week. And how they are loving the sugar water I'm giving them every day now. And how they are busy kicking out all the lazy honey eating drones in both hives. I told her that's so sad, but I know it needs to be done so the her and all her sister workers will have enough honey to get through this winter. Then she left. Flew off to who knows where. That was fun.

It is the perfect fall week this week. Highs in the 70's. Lows at night in the 40's. Perfect. We haven't turned any heat on yet. just piling on the blankets and wearing flannel. Getting the yard mowed and looking good. Picking up all the branches that fall from the maple trees. We'll have a bonfire soon. I love this time of year.

I've seen some wooly worms around the farm. They are all black. Can't remember what that means. Will we have a hard cold winter or a mild winter? Does anyone know? I would love to have a dry winter. Not rainy, muddy or cold. We have enough firewood to get us through, I believe.

I have to go to the farmer's market this afternoon. I love going. It's fun, talking to people and meeting new people. But it's gonna be a cold afternoon!


  1. What farmer's market do you go to and what times is out open?

  2. Hi Bethany. I go to 2 markets. The Wed. market is on Main St. in Chatt. from 4-6. It between Market and Central. Next week is a 3 hour market with chefs cooking food from vendors.

    Then on Sat. I go to Brainerd market from 10-12 at the Brainerd Episcopal church on Belvoir and Brainerd. Y'all come on out to either of these and get some good local food and other stuff.

    I'd love to see that sweet baby too.

  3. Black wollies are a sign of a hatd cold winter.

  4. NO! I don't want another like last winter. I was so hoping it meant a nice mild winter. Well, I guess it'll be ok as long as we have plenty of wood and food. I will just worry about my bees now.

  5. My wooly-bear caterpillars are all black here too. I've heard it's going to be a cold winter. I hope I don't lose all the winter crops again. It's just too much work!

    Glad your mom's eye appt went well.

  6. You too! I just don't know if I can handle a cold hard freezing winter again. I just don't like winter any more. If I didn't have animals, I wouldn't really care. But I guess sheep and alpacas like the cold better than the heat. They are laying in the shade even on cold days.
