Sunday, September 7, 2014

Kansas and Abi

 Just look at this. This is my mom's new dog. She's had her 1 week yesterday. She loves my mom. And apparently is in love with my grand daughter Kansas too. This is what I found when I came inside for a minute, while fixing Mom's gate. Look at them, all snuggling and happy. I am so jealous!

When I come to Mom's, Abi barks and runs around to each of the kitchen doors, looking at me. Then she'll run behind Mom's chair and look at me. She just doesn't like me inside Mom's house.

But when we go outside, she is all over, running up to me and letting me pet her. I also went with Mom to take her to the vet last Thursday. She was great, in the car. And at the vet.

She's just nervous when I first get to Mom's. Maybe she smells Bubba and Stella?  I don't know what it could be. But after awhile, she's just fine. She is the best dog. And just loves Mom. And Kansas.

I love how her left eat flips up. In some of the shelter pics, it's all over the top of her head. So cute. And she's a little older than we first thought. She'll be 2 in December. And she is already a spoiled dog. Mom's house looks like a 2 year old lives there, with all the toys and snacks all over.

This is good for Mom to have this dog. She just needs to go about her daily living and Abby will fit right in to it. Just the best thing for her right now.

And she's so good with Kansas. I don't even worry about her being in the house alone with her. And after seeing this, I will never worry. I think she would protect Kansas if she had to.

Sorry for such blurry pictures. I do believe I am going to have to start wearing glasses. Or contacts. Or else have laser surgery. Everything up close is fuzzy anymore. Getting old just about ain't fun.


  1. Lucky Mom! Lucky Kansas! Lucky dog! Happy Happy Happy all around.

    I hate to burst your bubble about needing reading glasses. I had laser surgery 5 years ago and my distance vision is still dead on. But the presbyopia (a fancy name for old people needing reading glasses) marches on. And gets worse every year. So go to the Dollar Tree and get 3 or 4 pair of cute little reading glasses and put one on every table and one on your nightstand and one in your purse so you can read menus and cans in the grocery store. And while you are in Dollar Tree splurge on some cute little beaded eyeglass chains to strap them around your neck for the times you forget where you set them down!!

  2. You are so funny! And I really want to look like Mrs. T., with her glasses on pretty necklace glass holders! She still loses hers though. And she reminds me of Maxine, the Hallmark card lady.

    I do keep a pair in my purse because there is NO way I'm seeing a menu anymore. Or even attempting to read a tiny little pill bottle.

  3. I love these pictures of Abi & Kansas. It's obvious their love & admiration is mutual. I guess Abi feels Kansas is no threat to her. She-s such a lovable dog, and Kansas is a lovable young lady.

  4. I love these pictures of Abi & Kansas. It's obvious their love & admiration is mutual. I guess Abi feels Kansas is no threat to her. She-s such a lovable dog, and Kansas is a lovable young lady.
