Thursday, September 25, 2014


my name is Kris and I am a soap-a-holoic. Yep. I am. I went to the studio this morning to work on wool. I need more dryer balls. More pumpkins. More little needle felted sheep and other critters.

But no. I made soap. Yeah, 3 more batches of soap. I cannot help myself. I lay in bed at night, thinking of soaps I can make. Different combinations. Different things to use instead of water in the lye. Ways to use more natural scents and colors. I have a problem.

But look what I made! Isn't this pretty? It's basil soap. I used fresh basil from a friend and my garden that I ground in the grinder, then added to the oils. I also used dried parsley that I made into powder by grinding it. Also had some basil EO I added at trace. I love this scent. I just wish it would stay this pretty color.

Then I made this. Peaches 'n Cream. With 1 1/2 fresh peaches, skin on, cut up and grated. And some raw cow milk yogurt from my friend Sarah's Jersey cows. No scent. I kept a little out and added some Wilton Cream Peach Icing gel to that and put it on top. Then swirled it a little. You can see on the sides the color before I added the dye. I wish this would stay this color. But I peaked and the dye color is almost red. It and the green soap has to stay in the molds for 48 hours.

Then this is a soap I saw on a soap video. She gave the ingredients and amounts too. It's European clay with yogurt. Just a 2 pound batch. This will be a facial soap. No scent in this either.

I did go back over after dinner to work on wool. But when I walked out the door, there were hundreds of dragonflies, flying all around the house. It was amazing. I have never seen so many of them together before. Wonder if they were migrating? Or getting ready to? I have no idea. Sure was cool. And the sunset was beautiful tonight.

Just a beautiful day here. I was home all day. I love being home. I am so thankful I am able to be doing what I'm doing.

And, when I went into the milk room to get some burger out of the little freezer for dinner,  I found the package of nettle seeds I had lost! I am so happy! I had prayed about this and just asked God to lead me to where He knew they were. And He did! ( It only took a week) I don't know how many times I had been right there to get feed for the chickens every night. The seeds were right above the barrel of sunflower seeds on the shelf. Right there this whole time. I don't know what made me even see the little white envelope this time. But I had to look twice. And when I realized it was the nettle seeds, I almost shouted! God is good! So I will go plant them Sunday. We are supposed to get rain that afternoon. I am so glad I found them. Now we will have our own patch of nettles next year. And I hear they make  soap a pretty green color too!


  1. love your blogs Kris! And the soap is so pretty, I can't wait to get some when we come up hopefully next month!

  2. I had another thought.. Pumpkin spice soap. Although maybe you already said that in another post? With Fall people want pumpkin spice everything.
    I think I'm going to have to get some lye and learn to make some soap. I have a million soap making books I found at a thrift shop.

  3. Hey there sista! So glad you are going to be coming up for Thanksgiving! Mark is coming too! How fun! And this is the only way you will get to see my soap and stuff, coming here.

  4. Kimberly, pumpkin spice is one of my favorite soaps and a real good seller. Also my spiced apple cider. I'm making some spiced apple tomorrow. I also have a bottle of citrus wine that will be made into soap too. Can't wait to try that.

    You need to go ahead and jump on in or you never will. A friend is coming out tomorrow after market. She's always wanted to make soap but is afraid of the lye. I was only the first time. And it was outside too. Now it doesn't bother me at all. Go ahead and get your supplies and make some. I order my lye from The Lye Guy.
