Sunday, September 14, 2014

Dessert, fiber and a fair...

 I don't usually make dessert. Well, hardly ever make dessert. If we have company or family over maybe. But my oldest grand daughter, Chloe, is here and she wanted to make a pie. This is what we came up with. Chocolate meringue. It looks good. I hope it is. I just put one of my chickens in the over to roast with garlic and onions. So it should be a good dinner.

I washed some of my white alpaca's fiber awhile ago. It sure is soft. But not fun to wash. It sticks to my hands. But I love it. I'll blend some in with some of the white wool. It makes it softer. I'd also like to try dying some of this.

In the back is Adele's wool I've been hand picking to get ready to card. There is one batt already done in the middle. I am surprised at how soft it is.

Yesterday I went to the fair. I don't know if it's because I'm older now. Or that it was spread out all over the place. Up and down so many hills. Lots of walking. (They did have shuttles though, but I am too impatient to wait.)  Or because the carnival part was so small, compared to the fair in Bulloch Co. I always went to when I was younger. It was all in one place. And huge. But I was a little disappointed in this fair. I did have a corn dog (which came out of a box) and a funnel cake. It was fun seeing people I know there with their kids and grand kids. I saw the family I sold Tom and Bob, the bucks, to. They are the best goat people ever! So happy they got those 2 boys. But all in all, just not the way I remembered a fair to be. But I'm glad I went. Later, I went back with the 2 grand kids to ride the rides at night and see the fireworks. It took 40 minutes to get home from the very back of the field we had to park in. 5 miles to the house.

Have a great week, y'all!

1 comment:

  1. I can't stand fairs anymore! I used to love them when I was a kid. I can't stand all the rap music being blasted at them, and they have fazed out all the good stuff, like crafts and things that people used to enter. Although maybe its a matter of that there isn't anyone entering the stuff anymore.
    Now the National Heirloom Expo that's got all the good stuff.
