Thursday, August 21, 2014

Ok, it's official...


There's just no other word for it. Well, maybe LAZY! I cannot get motivated to do a thing around here. It's because I have so much time. Not a good thing for me to have. I need help! I need a kick in the a** bad.

Ok, that's enough of that. Here's something growing behind the wood shed. It's really pretty. Some kind of morning glory I think.

And did y'all see my new metal antique lawn furniture? I just love them. The 2 round tables came with the house when we bought it. They need painted too. But they go perfect with the chair and glider. One day I'll sit in them and watch the garden grow stuff.

And here's Louise, outstanding in her field. She's doing great here so far. It's still funny when the sheep see her, how they freak out! But the alpacas are crazy when she even moves. They make this horrible loud high pitched noise like one of those big birds that fans their tail feathers. LOUD! And then they run. They are terrified of this poor big cow. Who does nothing but ambles around the pasture. Wondering what all the fuss is about. Maybe she thinks she should run and hide too? It's so funny. But she already had more solid poop than when she first came. It was nasty. It's lots better now, as far as cow poop goes.

So maybe I might do something tomorrow. I know I have to make zucchini bread for my friend to take to market Saturday. And pick okra again. Geeze, this is bad y'all.


  1. Oh, I've had plenty of days like that. But since I've been keeping a blog, it's been the incentive I need to get something done each day. Something niggles at the back of my mind, "Ok, what are you going to post today? What have ya done?" I hang my head if I did nothing. So I go get something, anything, done by quitting time. Most days I love to get out and work on the homestead, but there are some days that I have a hard time getting going.

    It's funny how the sheep and alpaca are reacting to the cow. Sort of like the first time my sheep saw a horse. They couldn't keep from watching the horse from a distance. Pretty funny!

  2. I love the furniture. I'll have to come out and sit with you to watch your garden grow!
