Thursday, June 19, 2014

Selling goats...

This morning, I got fecal samples from Sandy and Zeeboo, to take to the vet. I was getting frustrated because Zeeboo still has the puffiness. Then a few days ago, Sandy had runny poop. I gave her Pepto and she is over that. But she is hardly eating, her milk has gone way down. I have put the kids up and milked her either in the morning or night. So, she is full of worms. Like a lot. But she doesn't look at all like Zeeboo. No symptoms of bottle jaw.  Zeeboo's fecal only showed a few worms. So I will not give her any more worm meds. So gave Sandy a good dose of Cydectin, per vet orders. A friend is wanting to buy Sandy and Penelope's buck Woody. So I called her and explained what's going on. She talked to her husband and they still want them! They'll come Saturday to get them. I had put an ad on CL for all the kids, and had a call this morning from Alabama. They came and decided on little Piper and Emmy Lou. So I do believe they will have a good life on an Alabama farm. It was a little sad to see Piper go. But now I won't have to use a barricade for the gate any more!

I've had a few emails for Sandy's doe kids, so maybe someone will come get them. That will leave me with just Penelope, Zeeboo and her 2 buck kids. If I can sell those kids, I might could put the does in with the sheep and move them around with them. Til they are sold too. I just really need a break from the goats. As much as I love goat milk and all, it's just come to the point where I need a break from goats. And the pasture needs a break too, to grow back up.

This is Sandy and her doe kids, Jewel and Aslan.

All the doe kids and Sandy, with Pete chasing them. The 2 girls on the right were just sold.

My little Piper. I will miss her the most, I think. She was my little bottle baby for awhile. She is so sweet.

Now I just need to get Zeeboo better. She'll be dried up soon. And she was such a good milk goat too.  Makes me mad, these horrible worms.

I have put 2 coats of paint on most of the floor in the little house. I am STILL scraping that glue off the middle where the seams were. UGH! It's SO hard to do too. This might take a month to get it all off. And it's only about 100 out there. I am drenched with sweat in just a few minutes. But it is going to look so good when it ever gets finished. I have so much to do still. I bought a cute little old rocker and table and a lamp almost the same color as the walls. I like to go sit over there and watch the paint dry.

I hope you all have a great week end. And stay cool!

Geeze, don't know what happened to this pic. It looked like it wasn't going to show up, then when I was looking at the blog, there it was! It's huge. Anyway, this is Penelope and her kids, Woody, the buck next to her, and Emmy Lou, who just left today. And there's Zeeboo and  her kids.


  1. So sad to see the goats go! I understand though- they're a lot of work.

    The house looks great. I don't know where you find the time to do it all.

    I wish my sister were closer. How exciting yours is moving your way!

  2. It was a hard choice to make, but I am fine with it. I know they are all going to good homes. I do believe God has answered my prayers for good people to get my goats. It's just all working out at the right time.

  3. Delilah, has decided she doesn't care if she gets shocked by the fence, she is wreaking havoc on our apples trees. She may not be able to stay.
    We revisit keeping goats often.
    The girls enjoy showing 4-H so I know we will have them for a little bit longer, I just wish they would behave!!
    Glad you are finding them good homes!

  4. I had a doe that looked just like Delilah. She was a jumper and would go where ever she wanted. I tried all kinds of things on her collar to keep her in. Finally sold her and her mother to a friend near Lafayette. They lived near a store. Sadie would get out and go into the store. Some people got upset because she had elf ears and they thought they'd been cut off! I was never so glad to see a goat leave this farm.

  5. And her milk was awful! I think it was the Togg in her. Never could drink her milk.
