Friday, May 30, 2014

Mrs T. and her new shawl. And a squirrel.

 This is Mrs. T. She was so happy to get her shawl, "knit with love". I put the buttons on at her house this morning and gave it to her. She loves it. She kept saying how wonderful it was that I knit that for her. It looks really pretty on her. She's a beautiful lady.

I had my camera today and was taking pictures. I love to sit right here and take her picture. The water color painting above is her house. This is where i always remember her, sitting, reading the paper or watching the news.

We were sitting on her sun porch, eating lunch, and this squirrel ran up on this feeder and started eating as fast as he could. I got my long lens on and started snapping pictures. These are a few of my favorite shots. Squirrels are so pretty.

He saw me looking at him, but he just stayed right there and ate til he was full. Look at that long fluffy tail!

I am loving this camera! Can you tell yet? I think I'll take some of these really good photos and print them and frame them to sell in my shop. Who knows, someone else may really like them too. My daughter has some really good pictures of her new puppies that are so cute. I'll have to get her to frame some too.

Happy weekend y'all!

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