Friday, March 14, 2014


Bridgette told me this morning she's putting this baby thing on hold for awhile.

There's just way too many lambs running around here and she's had enough. She said every time she lays down, one or more of the little pests jump up on her. Or they try to nurse when she's up. She's just tired. Everywhere she looks, there's another one of them. They are all over the place!

So she shall wait awhile, maybe til these are a little bigger and not so annoying? Or maybe til the weather is a bit nicer? Hmmm...


  1. It's baby-palooza!!! I don't blame you a bit, Bridgette.

  2. I know. Everywhere we look, there are lambs! And soon we'll have at least 8 kids. Bridgette knows exactly where her lambs are right now, so she's good.

    I like that, baby-palooza! Good one, Kristin!
