Thursday, March 20, 2014

1st day of Spring!!!!

Well, it was a beautiful day, but still cold. The sky was so blue and the sun shine was amazing. But it was cold. Tomorrow is supposed to be about 73. Hopefully it will feel warm.

I let the alpacas out into the same yard the sheep are in sometimes. The sheep are in the pasture and the yard is right next to it. So they can see each other. They come to the fence and talk. I want to let the alpacas in with the sheep eventually. Any ideas on that, anyone with both sheep and alpacas? They eat the same feed, so thought they'd be ok together. No rams with the sheep except the lambs. And there's a lot of room for them all if they feel threatened and need to run away. I'm going to wait a few more days and see if I get any responses first.

I also washed and hung out clothes. And got motivated to clean off my big kitchen counter. I have been keeping all my cartons of eggs and so many other things on it. And I just got tired of never actually seeing the top of the counter for all the crap on it. So it is CLEAN right now. Probably not for long. I guess I should take a picture of it all clean.

Also went to a meeting with the other caregivers and Mrs. T's daughter to talk over all the changes. Mrs, T got back home last Friday so we are all ready to get back to work. We have a new girl to help now and fill in when needed. I like her a lot.

So a pretty day and a full day for the 1st day of spring. I am SO glad that this winter is officially OVER! But next week, it's down in the 30's at night and not much warmer during the day. What is up with "the winter that won't go away?"

What did y'all do with your 1st day of spring?


  1. I slogged outside in the sneet through the snow melting in my yard to refill my bird feeders. The birdsong is the only thing making it feel like spring here in Mchigan.

  2. Oh, I am so sorry. I know there is still lots of snow all over. And next week, higher elevations could see some snow flurries. It ain't lettin' go, is it?

  3. I ate lunch with ducks and geese all around us on a dock at Chickamauga Dam with Stefanie and Emilee.

  4. Bob and I dug up some huge clumps of aspidistra, split them up, and replanted them in a row under our shady north-facing living room windows. All the while a hunk of pork was in the crockpot, so, to reward ourselves, we enjoyed adult beverages on the deck and ate pulled pork and coleslaw sandwiches. Isn't spring wonderful?

  5. Abby, that sounds like you had a great day with your good friends. I'm so glad y'all have each other. It makes me feel good to know you have such good friends.

  6. Betty Ann, that sounds really good! I bet it was some of Kristin's pork too. Glad you had a good day with you fella!

  7. I worked myself silly, mucking barn and clipping goats. There's not a bit of me that doesn't hurt after this week. Dreading the 30's again.

  8. Us too up here, in the 30's at night again. UGH! Dogwood winter already? I don't think so. Redbud trees are just about full blown here. My favorite tree.

    I think I need to trim goat udders the next few days. And we are going to do some barn work tomorrow that has got to get done before kids. Isn't there always something to be done? I bet you are tired Kristin. Get some rest tomorrow!
