Friday, February 21, 2014

Near disaster

This baby is so sweet. And I feel awful right now. It was cold so I told my husband I wanted a fire tonight. I had gone out and got some small wood. Then went back out about 10 minutes later. I heard the strangest noise coming from up front where the lambs were. So I ran back in the house to grab a flashlight. Ran out there because I heard that horrible loud wail. I just knew something was awfully wrong.

Earlier this evening, I had put a pallet up across the entrance to the stall where Adele had the lambs. The hens could get in and out to lay eggs. Well, I  guess little Cassidy had gotten outside and Adele tried to get to her and knocked the pallet over. On top of her. That poor little new born baby lamb was laying out in the wet hay under that heavy pallet for who know how long. Til I heard her when I went outside to get wood.

I can't even imagine. If I had waited to go check on them before I went to bed later, she would surely have been dead. Oh, I am so upset. Makes me so sad to even think about her under that heavy pallet, smooshed and cold and her momma couldn't do a thing for her.

I just got the pallet off her and she was laying there all flat as a darn pancake. I picked her up and wrapped her in my shirt and rubbed her all over. She was so pitiful. And Adele and the ram lamb were in the other stall, just standing there calling to her. It was the most awful sound I have ever heard. And I hope I never hear it again.

I hope she'll be ok. I set her down and she walked to Adele and nursed. I waited to see how she did. Then came back out later to check on her. Adele got up and both lambs nursed real good. I never want to go through this again. I feel horrible. I am sure she'll be fine. Maybe it might have just happened before I went outside. I hope so anyway. Please say a little lamby prayer for the sweet little thing.

And this little guy. He and his sister are not identical twins for sure. I noticed this morning that the ewe lamb is real kinky and the wool is close to her skin. His is real fluffy and hairy like.

I was thinking he could be Bilbo's lamb. But just now it hit me that I got him Oct. 27th. 4 months ago. Ok, I already told y'all I hate math. But this is bad.

Adele's mother is Katahdin so she is half Katahdin and the rest wool breeds. So that's how he looks like a hair breed. Sometimes it takes me awhile but the light comes on.

And he is like twice as big as his sister too.

Just another day on the farm. And we did get that fire going. It's cold outside.


  1. I am praying for that adorable baby lamb of yours. It sounds like you arrived on the scene in the knick of time. Your baby ram is adorable too.

  2. Aren't they the sweetest? And Cassidy is great today! I am SO thankful I found when I did. This morning she was hopping around the stall! I opened the door so maybe Adele will take them outside. It's just beautiful and warm out there right now. Lovin' this weather!

    Now for some more lambs to play with.

  3. I just your blog, Kris, and I felt bad for you, reading about your experience with Cassidy. I know that hurt her, her Momma and You! Glad she's o.k. now. I could never have animals!! I'm proud of you and the way you do all your farming. You certainly didn't get your interest in farming from me!

  4. I just your blog, Kris, and I felt bad for you, reading about your experience with Cassidy. I know that hurt her, her Momma and You! Glad she's o.k. now. I could never have animals!! I'm proud of you and the way you do all your farming. You certainly didn't get your interest in farming from me!

  5. I am glad you found her!!!
    Thankfully the ewes usually make a racket when they can't get to their lambs.

  6. Sandra, it was the poor little lamb making all the racket. It was the most heart-wrenching cry. But thank the Lord, she is fine and bouncing around her big brother and momma now. I'm sure Adele was making some noise, but not as loud as Cassidy!

    Mom, you could too do this. I just do what I have to do when things like this come up. And they sure do. Seems like lambs and goat kids just look for trouble!
