Wednesday, February 26, 2014

# 20...

This morning, first thing during feeding, Leelah had a long string of goo and was in the middle stall. It wasn't long before this big guy was out and up and ready to eat! Just a single ram lamb. Leelah has only had single lambs in 3 years now. They are big lambs though. Blossom from last year is way bigger than the other ewes from last year.

It was cold this morning and he was just a shiverin'! So he burrowed down in this hay. Smart boy! And this hen decided it looked like a good idea so she sat down there and made a nice little nest. She stayed they a long time. Leelah must have stepped on the egg later, because it was broken.

                                                                       Isn't he so cute!

Later, Leelah had him outside in the sun. He was already running and jumping and having so much fun. I love his color. He's brown and cream colored. I can see a little heart on his side in this picture. He looks like he's mostly wool, so I may be keeping him for the Finn ewes.

His name is Cash. Sounds like a good name for him. He's the 7th lamb born so far here. I know there are 5 more ewes to lamb yet. With a few more maybe's. So we're not done with lamb pictures yet folks!


  1. I definitely see the heart--I hope it stays!

  2. He looks to be more wool than hair,so it will probably get covered by wool. I wish it would be visible too. But not for long.

  3. Oh, there will be more baby pictures! I just took a little over 100 just this morning! Poor Cash just about got one of his front legs broken this morning. I'll post more later. But he's my favorite so far.
