Friday, January 10, 2014

Warm wool. And husband update.

Just thought I'd post some pictures of some of the wool sheep's fleece. I hope it's good come shearing time. Seems like every time I throw hay, all the wool sheep are right up under it. Hay all over the wool. It just falls right off the hair sheep. But the wool sheep wear hay. And lots of little sticks and brambles and anything else that will grab hold of the wool.

I think this is Amarillo in this picture. Her's is really nice and long right now.

And this is Adelaide. Hers is really crimpy but she tends to get really dirty. And she was sick last year so didn't get any of her wool to keep. I hope I can use it this year.

And little Buttercup. She is filthy and stays this way. I'll be washing her fleece for days! Hers is really long and has good crimp too. She's full Finn and so are Adelaide and Amarillo.

I hope to be able to buy some shears soon. I have seen what Premier has and they are pretty reasonable. I'd like to get new ones. Has anyone ever bought used shears? Would you recommend doing this?

It is now back to slippery slimy mud again here. We are due for about an inch of rain by Saturday but noce and sunny Sunday.

Also thought I might better update everyone on my husband. That fall did a number on his arm. I didn't realize how much. It's just like the skin was pulled back. He also sprained his big toe and the one next to it on his left foot. Don't really know when that happened. He said he dropped a piece of wood on it a few days before. But I didn't notice it til the next day when I changed his bandages on his ankles.

So yesterday, he had 2 appointments. The first at 11 with the wound care doctor. He goes every Thursday and every other time the doctor cuts away dead skin and stuff. It's pretty nasty. But to look at the wounds today and when I first saw them, he's doing really good right now.

His other appt. was at 1 with the skin cancer place. He had a few biopsies done a few weeks before on his left arm. The arm he hangs out the window if his truck. It looks pretty bad and I have been wanting him t go get them both checked out. Turns out he had a few places that needed immediate attention. So the doctor did a huge place on his left forearm. Huge. Right above where his arm was already messed up by the fall. So now, he really is looking like a mummy. His whole left forearm covered in gauze. Both ankles and right foot. His knee. He's a mess. But doing pretty good for an ole dude.


  1. What kind of sharers are you looking at?

  2. I've looked at the Premier 4000s shearing machine. Runs around $352. with all the things needed. This is new. They did have used ones as well. I'll look at those too. But I think I would just like to have new ones.

  3. Gorgeous wool....sooooo lucky....but your poor husband! He's lucky to have a good wifey to take care of him:) Blessings~~Shine

  4. Sorry about all of Charlie's physical problems, but glad he's getting better. I know he appreciates you, Kris, because there's no way he could take care of all his wounds. Love to you both!

  5. You're taking such good care of Tiny! He's lucky to have you.

    Your wool looks great. I met a lady just up the road from me with 2 sheep. She's sheared them, dyed and carded the wool, but can't figure out spinning. I'd love to get my hands on some if she can figure it out. I'm clueless.

    Meanwhile, I've been knitting wool socks. The only problem with socks, is that you have to make two of them. I've contemplated cutting off a foot before making another....

  6. I am not familiar with those. We hire a shearer, but do have a couple of sets of clippers that we can use.good luck:)

  7. Sandra, I hire people too. But the one that did the first 5 sheep does not shear all in one piece. And she cut the sheep too many times. The other people that came did a good job on the other 3. I might get them to come back or just do it myself. I am leaning more on doing it myself. I have before. I just need help getting them up on the shearing stand, which I prefer over sitting them on their rears. And it just depends on money too.
