Thursday, December 19, 2013

Pinto beans on the wood stove.

Last night, I put on a pot of pinto beans. On the wood stove. They were boiling within minutes. Had to put the top down and just set them on top of the stove for the night. Then this morning, opened the lid back up and set the pot on the hot top. They are almost done. The house sure smells good.

But it's supposed to get warm the next several days. So we'll let the wood burn down. It's going to be in the 70's by Sunday, but stormy with lots of rain heading our way. It's been nice the last few days too.

Yesterday afternoon at the market, I got a sunny spot. Didn't even put my canopy up. It's just an hour now, from 4-5. I had on short sleeves with a vest. When that sun went behind the building across the street, it got cold! And then I couldn't get warmed back up. This morning it was only about 28. But in the 60's by this afternoon. I'll take it!


  1. Busy week ahead. Let me take this moment to wish you and your family good health, good cheer, and a blessed Christmas.

  2. I'll bet the beans were good. Just read this, so I'm late. Thanks for the collards! I probably had them washed and cooking before you got home. That was my dinner last night. Missing: cornbread!

  3. I made chili with some of those beans yesterday.

    Merry Christmas to you all!
