Sunday, December 29, 2013

I don't feel too good.

I don't normally get sick. But when I do, it's good. My throat hurts SO bad right now. And I have a fever. Stuffy. Feel like crap. All over.

So I found a recipe for a hot rum toddy. I have everything I need to make it. But I'll wait til I'm all done with the animals. I've been taking care of my friend's goats and chickens while they're off in sunny Florida for a week. I think some of them will be back tonight. So I'll have a nice hot shower and get warm jammies on and my big thick comfy robe and socks. Then boil the water and have a hot toddy. Might watch a movie if I can find a good one.

I also made some chicken pot pie with one of my Freedom Rangers. I have already had a cup of broth. It's so good. So I'll have that some more too.

And the sheep. I got some Nutri-Drench at the co-op a few days ago. And while at Walgreens. waiting on Tiny's prescription to be filled, I found some Vit. E oil. On sale. BYGO. So I have been mixing them together and giving this to Buttercup and Abraham. And I am seeing a difference in their walking. Not stiff legged so much now. I am also adding more sunflower seeds to their feed. And lots of kelp and loose minerals.

I've been making these ear warmers for Christmas gifts. And now am trying to sell some. My daughter Abby has already sold these 2 to a friend at work. I hope to make a bunch more and try to sell them on line. They are just $10 each. And I can make kids sizes too for $7. I also have some hand spun Alpaca in a light brown and also a dark brown with cream.I'll sell these for $15. So if anyone needs some nice warm ears in this crazy cold weather, I can mail them to you for a small postage fee. They don't weight hardly anything, so it shouldn't be much. I can stick them in a long envelope probably.

I hope you all have had a wonderful Christmas. Mine was nice.A little sad because my step dad was not here. It will take some getting used to. We all miss him a lot. Mom is now volunteering at the hospital and she loves it. She brings goodies in for everyone and they gobble them up! She is the baker in this family. I just didn't feel like it at all. And my kids don't bake either. Mom makes the best pound cake too.

So if I don't get back on here for a few days, I wish you all a very happy, healthy new year, with lots of sweet healthy pretty lambs and goat kids and calves and chickies!


  1. Hi Kris! So sorry you're not feeling well :( The ear warmers are lovely! So sorry you are missing your father-in-law. My dad passed away Nov. 8 and it is still very difficult. Praying you will get better very soon! Shine

  2. Hi Kris,
    Sorry to hear your sick. But glad to hear your sheep are doing better.
    I really don't know how you find the energy to put out a post. Climb into bed and get some rest!

  3. I'm sorry you're not feeling well. Curl up by that wood stove! I'd love to see pictures of your alpaca yarn.

  4. Thank you all. I am a little better. Stayed in bed ALL day today. Just washed the sheets and all my jammies. So I have all clean things tonight. Been drinking Thera-flu. Knocks me out. This sucks. Bad.
